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HasCyclicDependency Method (IAgCrdnPlaneRefTo)
See Also
Specify a valid plane.

Windows & Linux


Tests whether the input component and the target component form a cyclic dependency.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function HasCyclicDependency( _
    ByVal Plane As IAgCrdnPlane _
) As Boolean
public bool HasCyclicDependency(
    IAgCrdnPlane Plane
[Managed C++]
public: bool HasCyclicDependency(
    IAgCrdnPlane ^ Plane
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT HasCyclicDependency(
    IAgCrdnPlane * Plane,
    VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal
public bool hasCyclicDependency(
    IAgCrdnPlane Plane
[Python - STK API ]
def HasCyclicDependency(self, Plane:"IAgCrdnPlane") -> bool:


Specify a valid plane.

See Also


Check whether the reference plane has a cyclic dependency on another plane.
//Check if the reference plane has a cyclic dependency on another plane.
if (planeRefTo.HasCyclicDependency(plane))
    Console.WriteLine("The plane {0} has a cyclic dependency on plane {1}.", ((IAgCrdn)planeRefTo.GetPlane()).Name, ((IAgCrdn)plane).Name);
Check whether the reference plane has a cyclic dependency on another plane.
[Visual Basic .NET]
'Check if the reference plane has a cyclic dependency on another plane.
If planeRefTo.HasCyclicDependency(plane) Then
	Console.WriteLine("The plane {0} has a cyclic dependency on plane {1}.", DirectCast(planeRefTo.GetPlane(), IAgCrdn).Name, DirectCast(plane, IAgCrdn).Name)
End If
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