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IAgCrdnVolumeFromCondition Interface


A volume from conditioninterface.

Public Properties

Public Property ConditionThe condition component.
Public Property ConvergenceThe Convergence definition, which uses time tolerance to determine when times of extrema are found.
Public Property CustomTimeLimitsA custom interval list or a single interval. It is by default set to overall availability of host object. This determines time limits within extrema are sought. The time limits will be used if UseCustomTimeLimits is set to true.
Public Property SamplingThe Sampling definition, which can use a fixed step, relative tolerance or curvature tolerance. Relative tolerance uses a combination of relative and absolute changes in scalar values between samples. Curvature tolerance also uses changes in slope between samples.
Public Property UseCustomTimeLimitsIndicate whether to use specified custom time limits (see CustomTimeLimits).


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnVolumeFromCondition

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