The factory is used to create instances of volume grids.
Create | Creates and registers a volume grid using specified name and description. |
CreateVolumeGridBearingAlt | Creates and registers a volume grid of type surface bearing using specified name and description. |
CreateVolumeGridCartesian | Creates and registers a cartesian volume grid type using specified name and description. |
CreateVolumeGridConstrained | Creates and registers a volume grid of type that can be constrained by conditions using specified name and description. |
CreateVolumeGridCylindrical | Creates and registers a cylindrical volume grid type using specified name and description. |
CreateVolumeGridLatLonAlt | Creates and registers cartographic volume grid type using specified name and description. |
CreateVolumeGridSpherical | Creates and registers a spherical volume grid type using specified name and description. |
IsTypeSupported | Returns whether the specified type is supported. |