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IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSupersonicAero Interface


Interface used to access the options for the supersonic aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.

Public Properties

Public Property GeometryModeAsBasicGet the options for a basic geometry wing.
Public Property GeometryModeAsVariableGet the options for a variable geometry wing.
Public Property GeometryTypeGets or sets the type of wing geometry for the aircraft.
Public Property LeadingEdgeSuctionEfficiencyGets or sets the ability of the wing's leading edge to ingest turbulent airflow and thereby reduce induced drag.
Public Property MaxAOAGets or sets the maximum angle of attack possible.
Public Property SubsonicCd0Gets or sets the parasitic drag coefficient of the aircraft when flying at a speed less than the Mach Divergence.
Public Property SupersonicMachDragFactorGets or sets the scalar value applied to the aircraft's parasitic drag coefficient when it is flying faster than the Supersonic Max Mach.
Public Property SupersonicMaxMachGets or sets the speed at which the Supersonic Mach Drag Factor is applied.
Public Property TransonicMachDragFactorGets or sets the factor applied to the aircraft's parasitic drag coefficient when it is flying between the Transonic Min Mach and Transonic Mach Drag Factor speeds.
Public Property TransonicMaxMachGets or sets the maximum speed, below supersonic, at which the aircraft begins to experience air compression.
Public Property TransonicMinMachGets or sets the minimum speed at which the aircraft begins to experience air compression.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSupersonicAero

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