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IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTool Interface


Interface used to access the options for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool of an aircraft.

Public Methods

Public Method CreateAllPerfModelsCreate a set of advanced performance models for the aircraft with the given name.

Public Properties

Public Property AeroModeAsExternalGet the interface for an Extern File Aerodynamics strategy.
Public Property AeroModeAsFourPointGet the interface for a Four Point Aerodynamics strategy.
Public Property AeroModeAsSubsonicGet the interface for a Subsonic Aerodynamics strategy.
Public Property AeroModeAsSubSuperHypersonicGet the interface for a Sub/Super/Hypersonic Aerodynamics strategy.
Public Property AeroModeAsSupersonicGet the interface for a Supersonic Aerodynamics strategy.
Public Property AeroStrategyGets or sets the aerodynamic strategy type.
Public Property CacheAeroDataGets or sets the option to store intermediate results for aerodynamics calculations.
Public Property CacheFuelFlowGets or sets the option to store intermediate results for fuel flow calculations.
Public Property FlapsAreaGets or sets the total surface area of the flaps.
Public Property MaxAltitudeGets or sets the maximum altitude of the aircraft.
Public Property MaxEASGets or sets the maximum equivalent airspeed of the aircraft.
Public Property MaxLoadFactorGets or sets the maximum load factor the aircraft can bear.
Public Property MaxMachGets or sets the maximum mach number of the aircraft.
Public Property MaxTemperatureGets or sets the maximum total temperature limit of the aircraft.
Public Property MinLoadFactorGets or sets the minimum load factor the aircraft can bear.
Public Property PowerplantModeAsBasicTurbofanGet the interface for a Turbofan - Basic w/ AB Powerplant strategy.
Public Property PowerplantModeAsBasicTurbojetGet the interface for a Turbojet - Basic w/ AB Powerplant strategy.
Public Property PowerplantModeAsElectricGet the interface for an Electric Powerplant strategy.
Public Property PowerplantModeAsEmpiricalJetEngineGet the interface for an Empirical Jet Engine Powerplant strategy.
Public Property PowerplantModeAsExternalGet the interface for an External Prop File Powerplant strategy.
Public Property PowerplantModeAsPistonGet the interface for a Piston Powerplant strategy.
Public Property PowerplantModeAsSubSuperHypersonicGet the interface for a Sub/Super/Hypersoinc Powerplant strategy.
Public Property PowerplantModeAsTurbopropGet the interface for a Turboprop Powerplant strategy.
Public Property PowerplantStrategyGets or sets the powerplant strategy type.
Public Property SpeedbrakesAreaGets or sets the total surface area of the speedbrakes.
Public Property UseMaxTemperatureLimitGets or sets the option to limit the maximum speed of the aircraft so the specified temperature is not exceeded.
Public Property WingAreaGets or sets the total surface area of the wing.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTool


Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
// Get the advanced fixed wing tool
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTool advFixedWingTool = aviatorAircraft.AdvFixedWingTool;
// Set the basic geometry
advFixedWingTool.WingArea = 300;
advFixedWingTool.FlapsArea = 50;
advFixedWingTool.SpeedbrakesArea = 10;
// Set the structural and human factor limits
advFixedWingTool.MaxAltitude = 65000;
advFixedWingTool.MaxMach = 0.98;
advFixedWingTool.MaxEAS = 460;
advFixedWingTool.MinLoadFactor = -2.5;
advFixedWingTool.MaxLoadFactor = 4.5;

// Opt to enforce the max temperature limit
advFixedWingTool.UseMaxTemperatureLimit = true;
advFixedWingTool.MaxTemperature = 900;

// Use a subsonic aerodynamic strategy
advFixedWingTool.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingAeroStrategy.eSubsonicAero;
// Cache the aerodynamic data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheAeroData = true;
// Use a high bypass turbofan
advFixedWingTool.PowerplantStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantStrategy.eTurbofanHighBypass;
// Cache the fuel flow data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheFuelFlow = true;

// Create the corresponding performance models that reference the advanced fixed wing tool
// Specify the name, whether to override any existing models with the same name, and whether to set the new models as the default performance models
advFixedWingTool.CreateAllPerfModels("AdvancedModels", true, true);

// Save the changes in the catalog
Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the advanced fixed wing tool
Dim advFixedWingTool As IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTool = aviatorAircraft.AdvFixedWingTool
' Set the basic geometry
advFixedWingTool.WingArea = 300
advFixedWingTool.FlapsArea = 50
advFixedWingTool.SpeedbrakesArea = 10
' Set the structural and human factor limits
advFixedWingTool.MaxAltitude = 65000
advFixedWingTool.MaxMach = 0.98
advFixedWingTool.MaxEAS = 460
advFixedWingTool.MinLoadFactor = -2.5
advFixedWingTool.MaxLoadFactor = 4.5

' Opt to enforce the max temperature limit
advFixedWingTool.UseMaxTemperatureLimit = True
advFixedWingTool.MaxTemperature = 900

' Use a subsonic aerodynamic strategy
advFixedWingTool.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingAeroStrategy.eSubsonicAero
' Cache the aerodynamic data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheAeroData = True
' Use a high bypass turbofan
advFixedWingTool.PowerplantStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantStrategy.eTurbofanHighBypass
' Cache the fuel flow data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheFuelFlow = True

' Create the corresponding performance models that reference the advanced fixed wing tool
' Specify the name, whether to override any existing models with the same name, and whether to set the new models as the default performance models
advFixedWingTool.CreateAllPerfModels("AdvancedModels", True, True)

' Save the changes in the catalog
Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
# Get the advanced fixed wing tool
advFixedWingTool = aviatorAircraft.AdvFixedWingTool
# Set the basic geometry
advFixedWingTool.WingArea = 300
advFixedWingTool.FlapsArea = 50
advFixedWingTool.SpeedbrakesArea = 10
# Set the structural and human factor limits
advFixedWingTool.MaxAltitude = 65000
advFixedWingTool.MaxMach = 0.98
advFixedWingTool.MaxEAS = 460
advFixedWingTool.MinLoadFactor = -2.5
advFixedWingTool.MaxLoadFactor = 4.5

# Opt to enforce the max temperature limit
advFixedWingTool.UseMaxTemperatureLimit = True
advFixedWingTool.MaxTemperature = 900

# Use a subsonic aerodynamic strategy
advFixedWingTool.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingAeroStrategy.eSubsonicAero
# Cache the aerodynamic data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheAeroData = True
# Use a high bypass turbofan
advFixedWingTool.PowerplantStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantStrategy.eTurbofanHighBypass
# Cache the fuel flow data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheFuelFlow = True

# Create the corresponding performance models that reference the advanced fixed wing tool
# Specify the name, whether to override any existing models with the same name, and whether to set the new models as the default performance models
advFixedWingTool.CreateAllPerfModels('AdvancedModels', True, True)

# Save the changes in the catalog

Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
% IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
% Get the advanced fixed wing tool
advFixedWingTool = aviatorAircraft.AdvFixedWingTool;
% Set the basic geometry
advFixedWingTool.WingArea = 300;
advFixedWingTool.FlapsArea = 50;
advFixedWingTool.SpeedbrakesArea = 10;
% Set the structural and human factor limits
advFixedWingTool.MaxAltitude = 65000;
advFixedWingTool.MaxMach = 0.98;
advFixedWingTool.MaxEAS = 460;
advFixedWingTool.MinLoadFactor = -2.5;
advFixedWingTool.MaxLoadFactor = 4.5;

% Opt to enforce the max temperature limit
advFixedWingTool.UseMaxTemperatureLimit = 1;
advFixedWingTool.MaxTemperature = 900;

% Use a subsonic aerodynamic strategy
advFixedWingTool.AeroStrategy = 'eSubsonicAero';
% Cache the aerodynamic data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheAeroData = 1;
% Use a high bypass turbofan
advFixedWingTool.PowerplantStrategy = 'eTurbofanHighBypass';
% Cache the fuel flow data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheFuelFlow = 1;

% Create the corresponding performance models that reference the advanced fixed wing tool
% Specify the name, whether to override any existing models with the same name, and whether to set the new models as the default performance models
advFixedWingTool.CreateAllPerfModels("AdvancedModels", 1, 1);

% Save the changes in the catalog

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