Interface used to access the options for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool of an aircraft.
CreateAllPerfModels | Create a set of advanced performance models for the aircraft with the given name. |
AeroModeAsExternal | Get the interface for an Extern File Aerodynamics strategy. |
AeroModeAsFourPoint | Get the interface for a Four Point Aerodynamics strategy. |
AeroModeAsSubsonic | Get the interface for a Subsonic Aerodynamics strategy. |
AeroModeAsSubSuperHypersonic | Get the interface for a Sub/Super/Hypersonic Aerodynamics strategy. |
AeroModeAsSupersonic | Get the interface for a Supersonic Aerodynamics strategy. |
AeroStrategy | Gets or sets the aerodynamic strategy type. |
CacheAeroData | Gets or sets the option to store intermediate results for aerodynamics calculations. |
CacheFuelFlow | Gets or sets the option to store intermediate results for fuel flow calculations. |
FlapsArea | Gets or sets the total surface area of the flaps. |
MaxAltitude | Gets or sets the maximum altitude of the aircraft. |
MaxEAS | Gets or sets the maximum equivalent airspeed of the aircraft. |
MaxLoadFactor | Gets or sets the maximum load factor the aircraft can bear. |
MaxMach | Gets or sets the maximum mach number of the aircraft. |
MaxTemperature | Gets or sets the maximum total temperature limit of the aircraft. |
MinLoadFactor | Gets or sets the minimum load factor the aircraft can bear. |
PowerplantModeAsBasicTurbofan | Get the interface for a Turbofan - Basic w/ AB Powerplant strategy. |
PowerplantModeAsBasicTurbojet | Get the interface for a Turbojet - Basic w/ AB Powerplant strategy. |
PowerplantModeAsElectric | Get the interface for an Electric Powerplant strategy. |
PowerplantModeAsEmpiricalJetEngine | Get the interface for an Empirical Jet Engine Powerplant strategy. |
PowerplantModeAsExternal | Get the interface for an External Prop File Powerplant strategy. |
PowerplantModeAsPiston | Get the interface for a Piston Powerplant strategy. |
PowerplantModeAsSubSuperHypersonic | Get the interface for a Sub/Super/Hypersoinc Powerplant strategy. |
PowerplantModeAsTurboprop | Get the interface for a Turboprop Powerplant strategy. |
PowerplantStrategy | Gets or sets the powerplant strategy type. |
SpeedbrakesArea | Gets or sets the total surface area of the speedbrakes. |
UseMaxTemperatureLimit | Gets or sets the option to limit the maximum speed of the aircraft so the specified temperature is not exceeded. |
WingArea | Gets or sets the total surface area of the wing. |
Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
[C#] | ||
Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
[Visual Basic .NET] | ||
Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
[Python - STK API] | ||
Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
[MATLAB] | ||