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IAgAvtrAircraft Interface


Interface used to access the aircraft options in the Aviator catalog.

Public Methods

Public Method GetAsCatalogItemGet the catalog item interface for this object.

Public Properties

Public Property AccelerationGet the acceleration interface.
Public Property AdvFixedWingToolGet the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool for the aircraft.
Public Property ClimbGet the climb interface.
Public Property CruiseGet the cruise interface.
Public Property DefaultConfigurationGet the aircraft's default configuration as saved in the catalog.
Public Property DescentGet the descent interface.
Public Property LandingGet the landing interface.
Public Property PerfModelTypesGet the types of performance models.
Public Property TakeoffGet the takeoff interface.
Public Property TerrainFollowGet the TerrainFollow interface.
Public Property VTOLGet the VTOL interface.


CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrAircraft


Set the aircraft used for the mission to an aircraft found in the Aviator catalog
// Get the Aviator catalog
IAgAvtrCatalog catalog = propagator.AvtrCatalog;
// Get the aircraft category
IAgAvtrAircraftCategory category = catalog.AircraftCategory;
// Get the user aircraft models
IAgAvtrAircraftModels aircraftModels = category.AircraftModels;
// Get the basic fighter
IAgAvtrAircraft fighter = aircraftModels.GetAircraft("Basic Fighter");
// Get the mission
IAgAvtrMission mission = propagator.AvtrMission;
// Set the vehicle used for the mission
mission.Vehicle = fighter as IAgAvtrVehicle;
Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
// Get the advanced fixed wing tool
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTool advFixedWingTool = aviatorAircraft.AdvFixedWingTool;
// Set the basic geometry
advFixedWingTool.WingArea = 300;
advFixedWingTool.FlapsArea = 50;
advFixedWingTool.SpeedbrakesArea = 10;
// Set the structural and human factor limits
advFixedWingTool.MaxAltitude = 65000;
advFixedWingTool.MaxMach = 0.98;
advFixedWingTool.MaxEAS = 460;
advFixedWingTool.MinLoadFactor = -2.5;
advFixedWingTool.MaxLoadFactor = 4.5;

// Opt to enforce the max temperature limit
advFixedWingTool.UseMaxTemperatureLimit = true;
advFixedWingTool.MaxTemperature = 900;

// Use a subsonic aerodynamic strategy
advFixedWingTool.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingAeroStrategy.eSubsonicAero;
// Cache the aerodynamic data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheAeroData = true;
// Use a high bypass turbofan
advFixedWingTool.PowerplantStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantStrategy.eTurbofanHighBypass;
// Cache the fuel flow data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheFuelFlow = true;

// Create the corresponding performance models that reference the advanced fixed wing tool
// Specify the name, whether to override any existing models with the same name, and whether to set the new models as the default performance models
advFixedWingTool.CreateAllPerfModels("AdvancedModels", true, true);

// Save the changes in the catalog
Create a new performance model for an aircraft
// Get the acceleration type
IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration acceleration = aircraft.Acceleration;
// Get it as a catalog item
IAgAvtrCatalogItem accAsCatalogItem = acceleration.GetAsCatalogItem();
// Get the names of the current acceleration models
Array modelNames = accAsCatalogItem.ChildNames;
// Check how many models there are
int modelCount = modelNames.Length;
// Get the child types (for example AGI Basic Acceleration Model, Advanced Acceleration Model)
Array modelTypes = accAsCatalogItem.ChildTypes;
// Create a new performance model of type "Advanced Acceleration Model"
IAgAvtrCatalogItem newPerformanceModel = accAsCatalogItem.AddChildOfType("Advanced Acceleration Model", "Model Name");
// Save the changes to the catalog
Configure the basic acceleration performance model of an aircraft
// Get the acceleration type
IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration acceleration = aircraft.Acceleration;
// Get the build in performance model
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicAccelerationModel basicAccModel = acceleration.GetBuiltInModel();

// Get the level turns options
IAgAvtrLevelTurns levelTurns = basicAccModel.LevelTurns;
// Set a max bank angle of 25
levelTurns.SetLevelTurn(AgEAvtrTurnMode.eTurnModeBankAngle, 25);
// Get the climb and descent transition options
IAgAvtrClimbAndDescentTransitions climbAndDescent = basicAccModel.ClimbAndDescentTransitions;
// Set the max pull up G to 1
climbAndDescent.MaxPullUpG = 1.2;
// Get the attitude transition options
IAgAvtrAttitudeTransitions attitudeTransitions = basicAccModel.AttitudeTransitions;
// Set the max roll rate to 25
attitudeTransitions.RollRate = 25;

// Get the aerodynamics
IAgAvtrAircraftAero aero = basicAccModel.Aerodynamics;
// Use simple aerodynamics
aero.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftAeroStrategy.eAircraftAeroSimple;
// Get the options for the simple aerodynamics and set some parameters
IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleAero simpleAero = aero.ModeAsSimple;
simpleAero.SRef = 5;
simpleAero.ClMax = 3.1;
simpleAero.Cd = 0.05;

// Get the propulsion
IAgAvtrAircraftProp prop = basicAccModel.Propulsion;
// Use simple propulsion
prop.PropStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftPropStrategy.eAircraftPropSimple;
// Get the simple propulsion options and set some parameters
IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleProp simpleProp = prop.ModeAsSimple;
simpleProp.MaxThrustAccel = 0.6;
simpleProp.MinThrustDecel = 0.4;
simpleProp.SetDensityScaling(true, 0.02);

// Save the changes to the catalog
Configure the basic cruise performance model of an aircraft
// Get the cruise type
IAgAvtrAircraftCruise cruise = aircraft.Cruise;
// Get the build in performance model
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicCruiseModel basicCruiseModel = cruise.GetBuiltInModel();

// Set the ceiling altitude
basicCruiseModel.CeilingAltitude = 50000;
// Set the default cruise altitude
basicCruiseModel.DefaultCruiseAltitude = 10000;
// Set the airspeed type
basicCruiseModel.AirspeedType = AgEAvtrAirspeedType.eTAS;
// Opt to not use the fuel flow calculated by the aero/prop model and instead specify the values
basicCruiseModel.UseAeroPropFuel = false;

// Set the various airspeeds and fuel flows
basicCruiseModel.MinAirspeed = 110;
basicCruiseModel.MinAirspeedFuelFlow = 10000;

basicCruiseModel.MaxEnduranceAirspeed = 135;
basicCruiseModel.MaxEnduranceFuelFlow = 8000;

basicCruiseModel.MaxAirspeed = 570;
basicCruiseModel.MaxAirspeedFuelFlow = 30000;

basicCruiseModel.MaxRangeAirspeed = 140;
basicCruiseModel.MaxRangeFuelFlow = 9000;

basicCruiseModel.MaxPerfAirspeed = 150;
basicCruiseModel.MaxPerfAirspeedFuelFlow = 12000;

// Save the changes to the catalog
Set the aircraft used for the mission to an aircraft found in the Aviator catalog
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the Aviator catalog
Dim catalog As IAgAvtrCatalog = propagator.AvtrCatalog
' Get the aircraft category
Dim category As IAgAvtrAircraftCategory = catalog.AircraftCategory
' Get the user aircraft models
Dim aircraftModels As IAgAvtrAircraftModels = category.AircraftModels
' Get the basic fighter
Dim fighter As IAgAvtrAircraft = aircraftModels.GetAircraft("Basic Fighter")
' Get the mission
Dim mission As IAgAvtrMission = propagator.AvtrMission
' Set the vehicle used for the mission
mission.Vehicle = TryCast(fighter, IAgAvtrVehicle)
Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the advanced fixed wing tool
Dim advFixedWingTool As IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTool = aviatorAircraft.AdvFixedWingTool
' Set the basic geometry
advFixedWingTool.WingArea = 300
advFixedWingTool.FlapsArea = 50
advFixedWingTool.SpeedbrakesArea = 10
' Set the structural and human factor limits
advFixedWingTool.MaxAltitude = 65000
advFixedWingTool.MaxMach = 0.98
advFixedWingTool.MaxEAS = 460
advFixedWingTool.MinLoadFactor = -2.5
advFixedWingTool.MaxLoadFactor = 4.5

' Opt to enforce the max temperature limit
advFixedWingTool.UseMaxTemperatureLimit = True
advFixedWingTool.MaxTemperature = 900

' Use a subsonic aerodynamic strategy
advFixedWingTool.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingAeroStrategy.eSubsonicAero
' Cache the aerodynamic data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheAeroData = True
' Use a high bypass turbofan
advFixedWingTool.PowerplantStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantStrategy.eTurbofanHighBypass
' Cache the fuel flow data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheFuelFlow = True

' Create the corresponding performance models that reference the advanced fixed wing tool
' Specify the name, whether to override any existing models with the same name, and whether to set the new models as the default performance models
advFixedWingTool.CreateAllPerfModels("AdvancedModels", True, True)

' Save the changes in the catalog
Create a new performance model for an aircraft
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the acceleration type
Dim acceleration As IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration = aircraft.Acceleration
' Get it as a catalog item
Dim accAsCatalogItem As IAgAvtrCatalogItem = acceleration.GetAsCatalogItem()
' Get the names of the current acceleration models
Dim modelNames As Array = accAsCatalogItem.ChildNames
' Check how many models there are
Dim modelCount As Integer = modelNames.Length
' Get the child types (for example AGI Basic Acceleration Model, Advanced Acceleration Model)
Dim modelTypes As Array = accAsCatalogItem.ChildTypes
' Create a new performance model of type "Advanced Acceleration Model"
Dim newPerformanceModel As IAgAvtrCatalogItem = accAsCatalogItem.AddChildOfType("Advanced Acceleration Model", "Model Name")
' Save the changes to the catalog
Configure the basic acceleration performance model of an aircraft
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the acceleration type
Dim acceleration As IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration = aircraft.Acceleration
' Get the build in performance model
Dim basicAccModel As IAgAvtrAircraftBasicAccelerationModel = acceleration.GetBuiltInModel()

' Get the level turns options
Dim levelTurns As IAgAvtrLevelTurns = basicAccModel.LevelTurns
' Set a max bank angle of 25
levelTurns.SetLevelTurn(AgEAvtrTurnMode.eTurnModeBankAngle, 25)
' Get the climb and descent transition options
Dim climbAndDescent As IAgAvtrClimbAndDescentTransitions = basicAccModel.ClimbAndDescentTransitions
' Set the max pull up G to 1
climbAndDescent.MaxPullUpG = 1.2
' Get the attitude transition options
Dim attitudeTransitions As IAgAvtrAttitudeTransitions = basicAccModel.AttitudeTransitions
' Set the max roll rate to 25
attitudeTransitions.RollRate = 25

' Get the aerodynamics
Dim aero As IAgAvtrAircraftAero = basicAccModel.Aerodynamics
' Use simple aerodynamics
aero.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftAeroStrategy.eAircraftAeroSimple
' Get the options for the simple aerodynamics and set some parameters
Dim simpleAero As IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleAero = aero.ModeAsSimple
simpleAero.SRef = 5
simpleAero.ClMax = 3.1
simpleAero.Cd = 0.05

' Get the propulsion
Dim prop As IAgAvtrAircraftProp = basicAccModel.Propulsion
' Use simple propulsion
prop.PropStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftPropStrategy.eAircraftPropSimple
' Get the simple propulsion options and set some parameters
Dim simpleProp As IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleProp = prop.ModeAsSimple
simpleProp.MaxThrustAccel = 0.6
simpleProp.MinThrustDecel = 0.4
simpleProp.SetDensityScaling(True, 0.02)

' Save the changes to the catalog
Configure the basic cruise performance model of an aircraft
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the cruise type
Dim cruise As IAgAvtrAircraftCruise = aircraft.Cruise
' Get the build in performance model
Dim basicCruiseModel As IAgAvtrAircraftBasicCruiseModel = cruise.GetBuiltInModel()

' Set the ceiling altitude
basicCruiseModel.CeilingAltitude = 50000
' Set the default cruise altitude
basicCruiseModel.DefaultCruiseAltitude = 10000
' Set the airspeed type
basicCruiseModel.AirspeedType = AgEAvtrAirspeedType.eTAS
' Opt to not use the fuel flow calculated by the aero/prop model and instead specify the values
basicCruiseModel.UseAeroPropFuel = False

' Set the various airspeeds and fuel flows
basicCruiseModel.MinAirspeed = 110
basicCruiseModel.MinAirspeedFuelFlow = 10000

basicCruiseModel.MaxEnduranceAirspeed = 135
basicCruiseModel.MaxEnduranceFuelFlow = 8000

basicCruiseModel.MaxAirspeed = 570
basicCruiseModel.MaxAirspeedFuelFlow = 30000

basicCruiseModel.MaxRangeAirspeed = 140
basicCruiseModel.MaxRangeFuelFlow = 9000

basicCruiseModel.MaxPerfAirspeed = 150
basicCruiseModel.MaxPerfAirspeedFuelFlow = 12000

' Save the changes to the catalog
Configure the basic acceleration performance model of an aircraft
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
# Get the acceleration type
acceleration = aviatorAircraft.Acceleration
# Get the build in performance model
basicAccModel = acceleration.GetBuiltInModel()

# Get the level turns options
levelTurns = basicAccModel.LevelTurns
# Set a max bank angle of 25
levelTurns.SetLevelTurn(AgEAvtrTurnMode.eTurnModeBankAngle, 25)
# Get the climb and descent transition options
climbAndDescent = basicAccModel.ClimbAndDescentTransitions
# Set the max pull up G to 1
climbAndDescent.MaxPullUpG = 1.2
# Get the attitude transition options
attitudeTransitions = basicAccModel.AttitudeTransitions
# Set the max roll rate to 25
attitudeTransitions.RollRate = 25

# Get the aerodynamics
aero = basicAccModel.Aerodynamics
# Use simple aerodynamics
aero.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftAeroStrategy.eAircraftAeroSimple
# Get the options for the simple aerodynamics and set some parameters
simpleAero = aero.ModeAsSimple
simpleAero.SRef = 5
simpleAero.ClMax = 3.1
simpleAero.Cd = 0.05

# Get the propulsion
prop = basicAccModel.Propulsion
# Use simple propulsion
prop.PropStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftPropStrategy.eAircraftPropSimple
# Get the simple propulsion options and set some parameters
simpleProp = prop.ModeAsSimple
simpleProp.MaxThrustAccel = 0.6
simpleProp.MinThrustDecel = 0.4
simpleProp.SetDensityScaling(True, 0.02)

# Save the changes to the catalog

Configure the basic cruise performance model of an aircraft
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
# Get the cruise type
cruise = aviatorAircraft.Cruise
# Get the build in performance model
basicCruiseModel = cruise.GetBuiltInModel()

# Set the ceiling altitude
basicCruiseModel.CeilingAltitude = 50000
# Set the default cruise altitude
basicCruiseModel.DefaultCruiseAltitude = 10000
# Set the airspeed type
basicCruiseModel.AirspeedType = AgEAvtrAirspeedType.eTAS
# Opt to not use the fuel flow calculated by the aero/prop model and instead specify the values
basicCruiseModel.UseAeroPropFuel = False

# Set the various airspeeds and fuel flows
basicCruiseModel.MinAirspeed = 110
basicCruiseModel.MinAirspeedFuelFlow = 10000

basicCruiseModel.MaxEnduranceAirspeed = 135
basicCruiseModel.MaxEnduranceFuelFlow = 8000

basicCruiseModel.MaxAirspeed = 570
basicCruiseModel.MaxAirspeedFuelFlow = 30000

basicCruiseModel.MaxRangeAirspeed = 140
basicCruiseModel.MaxRangeFuelFlow = 9000

basicCruiseModel.MaxPerfAirspeed = 150
basicCruiseModel.MaxPerfAirspeedFuelFlow = 12000

# Save the changes to the catalog

Create a new performance model for an aircraft
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
# Get the acceleration type
acceleration = aviatorAircraft.Acceleration
# Get the names of the current acceleration models
modelNames = acceleration.ChildNames
# Check how many models there are
modelCount = len(modelNames)
# Get the child types (for example AGI Basic Acceleration Model, Advanced Acceleration Model)
modelTypes = acceleration.ChildTypes
# Create a new performance model of type "Advanced Acceleration Model"
newPerformanceModel = acceleration.AddChildOfType('Advanced Acceleration Model', 'Model Name')
# Save the changes to the catalog

Set the aircraft used for the mission to an aircraft found in the Aviator catalog
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrPropagator propagator: Aviator Propagator object
# Get the Aviator catalog
catalog = propagator.AvtrCatalog
# Get the aircraft category
category = catalog.AircraftCategory
# Get the user aircraft models
aircraftModels = category.AircraftModels
# Get the basic fighter
fighter = aircraftModels.GetAircraft('Basic Fighter')
# Get the mission
mission = propagator.AvtrMission
# Set the vehicle used for the mission
mission.Vehicle = fighter

Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
# Get the advanced fixed wing tool
advFixedWingTool = aviatorAircraft.AdvFixedWingTool
# Set the basic geometry
advFixedWingTool.WingArea = 300
advFixedWingTool.FlapsArea = 50
advFixedWingTool.SpeedbrakesArea = 10
# Set the structural and human factor limits
advFixedWingTool.MaxAltitude = 65000
advFixedWingTool.MaxMach = 0.98
advFixedWingTool.MaxEAS = 460
advFixedWingTool.MinLoadFactor = -2.5
advFixedWingTool.MaxLoadFactor = 4.5

# Opt to enforce the max temperature limit
advFixedWingTool.UseMaxTemperatureLimit = True
advFixedWingTool.MaxTemperature = 900

# Use a subsonic aerodynamic strategy
advFixedWingTool.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingAeroStrategy.eSubsonicAero
# Cache the aerodynamic data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheAeroData = True
# Use a high bypass turbofan
advFixedWingTool.PowerplantStrategy = AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantStrategy.eTurbofanHighBypass
# Cache the fuel flow data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheFuelFlow = True

# Create the corresponding performance models that reference the advanced fixed wing tool
# Specify the name, whether to override any existing models with the same name, and whether to set the new models as the default performance models
advFixedWingTool.CreateAllPerfModels('AdvancedModels', True, True)

# Save the changes in the catalog

Set the aircraft used for the mission to an aircraft found in the Aviator catalog
% IAgAvtrPropagator propagator: Aviator Propagator object
% Get the Aviator catalog
catalog = propagator.AvtrCatalog;
% Get the aircraft category
category = catalog.AircraftCategory;
% Get the user aircraft models
aircraftModels = category.AircraftModels;
% Get the basic fighter
fighter = aircraftModels.GetAircraft("Basic Fighter");
% Get the mission
mission = propagator.AvtrMission;
% Set the vehicle used for the mission
mission.Vehicle = fighter;

Configure the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool and set the aircraft to use the resulting performance models
% IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
% Get the advanced fixed wing tool
advFixedWingTool = aviatorAircraft.AdvFixedWingTool;
% Set the basic geometry
advFixedWingTool.WingArea = 300;
advFixedWingTool.FlapsArea = 50;
advFixedWingTool.SpeedbrakesArea = 10;
% Set the structural and human factor limits
advFixedWingTool.MaxAltitude = 65000;
advFixedWingTool.MaxMach = 0.98;
advFixedWingTool.MaxEAS = 460;
advFixedWingTool.MinLoadFactor = -2.5;
advFixedWingTool.MaxLoadFactor = 4.5;

% Opt to enforce the max temperature limit
advFixedWingTool.UseMaxTemperatureLimit = 1;
advFixedWingTool.MaxTemperature = 900;

% Use a subsonic aerodynamic strategy
advFixedWingTool.AeroStrategy = 'eSubsonicAero';
% Cache the aerodynamic data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheAeroData = 1;
% Use a high bypass turbofan
advFixedWingTool.PowerplantStrategy = 'eTurbofanHighBypass';
% Cache the fuel flow data to improve calculation speed
advFixedWingTool.CacheFuelFlow = 1;

% Create the corresponding performance models that reference the advanced fixed wing tool
% Specify the name, whether to override any existing models with the same name, and whether to set the new models as the default performance models
advFixedWingTool.CreateAllPerfModels("AdvancedModels", 1, 1);

% Save the changes in the catalog

Create a new performance model for an aircraft
% IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
% Get the acceleration type
acceleration = aviatorAircraft.Acceleration;
% Get the names of the current acceleration models
modelNames = acceleration.ChildNames;
% Check how many models there are
modelCount = length(modelNames);
% Get the child types (for example AGI Basic Acceleration Model, Advanced Acceleration Model)
modelTypes = acceleration.ChildTypes;
% Create a new performance model of type "Advanced Acceleration Model"
newPerformanceModel = acceleration.AddChildOfType('Advanced Acceleration Model', 'Model Name');
% Save the changes to the catalog

Configure the basic acceleration performance model of an aircraft
% IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
% Get the acceleration type
acceleration = aviatorAircraft.Acceleration;
% Get the build in performance model
basicAccModel = acceleration.GetBuiltInModel();

% Get the level turns options
levelTurns = basicAccModel.LevelTurns;
% Set a max bank angle of 25
levelTurns.SetLevelTurn('eTurnModeBankAngle', 25);
% Get the climb and descent transition options
climbAndDescent = basicAccModel.ClimbAndDescentTransitions;
% Set the max pull up G to 1
climbAndDescent.MaxPullUpG = 1.2;
% Get the attitude transition options
attitudeTransitions = basicAccModel.AttitudeTransitions;
% Set the max roll rate to 25
attitudeTransitions.RollRate = 25;

% Get the aerodynamics
aero = basicAccModel.Aerodynamics;
% Use simple aerodynamics
aero.AeroStrategy = 'eAircraftAeroSimple';
% Get the options for the simple aerodynamics and set some parameters
simpleAero = aero.ModeAsSimple;
simpleAero.SRef = 5;
simpleAero.ClMax = 3.1;
simpleAero.Cd = 0.05;

% Get the propulsion
prop = basicAccModel.Propulsion;
% Use simple propulsion
prop.PropStrategy = 'eAircraftPropSimple';
% Get the simple propulsion options and set some parameters
simpleProp = prop.ModeAsSimple;
simpleProp.MaxThrustAccel = 0.6;
simpleProp.MinThrustDecel = 0.4;
simpleProp.SetDensityScaling(true, 0.02);

% Save the changes to the catalog

Configure the basic cruise performance model of an aircraft
% IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
% Get the cruise type
cruise = aviatorAircraft.Cruise;
% Get the build in performance model
basicCruiseModel = cruise.GetBuiltInModel();

% Set the ceiling altitude
basicCruiseModel.CeilingAltitude = 50000;
% Set the default cruise altitude
basicCruiseModel.DefaultCruiseAltitude = 10000;
% Set the airspeed type
basicCruiseModel.AirspeedType = 'eTAS';
% Opt to not use the fuel flow calculated by the aero/prop model and instead specify the values
basicCruiseModel.UseAeroPropFuel = 0;

% Set the various airspeeds and fuel flows
basicCruiseModel.MinAirspeed = 110;
basicCruiseModel.MinAirspeedFuelFlow = 10000;

basicCruiseModel.MaxEnduranceAirspeed = 135;
basicCruiseModel.MaxEnduranceFuelFlow = 8000;

basicCruiseModel.MaxAirspeed = 570;
basicCruiseModel.MaxAirspeedFuelFlow = 30000;

basicCruiseModel.MaxRangeAirspeed = 140;
basicCruiseModel.MaxRangeFuelFlow = 9000;

basicCruiseModel.MaxPerfAirspeed = 150;
basicCruiseModel.MaxPerfAirspeedFuelFlow = 12000;

% Save the changes to the catalog

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