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IAgAvtrAircraftProp Interface


Interface used to access the propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.

Public Properties

Public Property DragFactorGets or sets the scalar value applied to the drag for parametric analysis.
Public Property LiftFactorGets or sets the scalar value applied to the lift for parametric analysis.
Public Property ModeAsBasicFixedWingGet the interface for a basic fixed wing propulsion strategy.
Public Property ModeAsExternalGet the interface for an external file propulsion strategy.
Public Property ModeAsRamjetGet the interface for a Ramjet propulsion strategy.
Public Property ModeAsRocketGet the interface for a Rocket propulsion strategy.
Public Property ModeAsSimpleGet the interface for a simple propulsion strategy.
Public Property ModeAsTurbojetGet the interface for a Turbojet propulsion strategy.
Public Property PropStrategyGets or sets the propulsion strategy type.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrAircraftProp


Configure the basic acceleration performance model of an aircraft
// Get the acceleration type
IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration acceleration = aircraft.Acceleration;
// Get the build in performance model
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicAccelerationModel basicAccModel = acceleration.GetBuiltInModel();

// Get the level turns options
IAgAvtrLevelTurns levelTurns = basicAccModel.LevelTurns;
// Set a max bank angle of 25
levelTurns.SetLevelTurn(AgEAvtrTurnMode.eTurnModeBankAngle, 25);
// Get the climb and descent transition options
IAgAvtrClimbAndDescentTransitions climbAndDescent = basicAccModel.ClimbAndDescentTransitions;
// Set the max pull up G to 1
climbAndDescent.MaxPullUpG = 1.2;
// Get the attitude transition options
IAgAvtrAttitudeTransitions attitudeTransitions = basicAccModel.AttitudeTransitions;
// Set the max roll rate to 25
attitudeTransitions.RollRate = 25;

// Get the aerodynamics
IAgAvtrAircraftAero aero = basicAccModel.Aerodynamics;
// Use simple aerodynamics
aero.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftAeroStrategy.eAircraftAeroSimple;
// Get the options for the simple aerodynamics and set some parameters
IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleAero simpleAero = aero.ModeAsSimple;
simpleAero.SRef = 5;
simpleAero.ClMax = 3.1;
simpleAero.Cd = 0.05;

// Get the propulsion
IAgAvtrAircraftProp prop = basicAccModel.Propulsion;
// Use simple propulsion
prop.PropStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftPropStrategy.eAircraftPropSimple;
// Get the simple propulsion options and set some parameters
IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleProp simpleProp = prop.ModeAsSimple;
simpleProp.MaxThrustAccel = 0.6;
simpleProp.MinThrustDecel = 0.4;
simpleProp.SetDensityScaling(true, 0.02);

// Save the changes to the catalog
Configure the basic acceleration performance model of an aircraft
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the acceleration type
Dim acceleration As IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration = aircraft.Acceleration
' Get the build in performance model
Dim basicAccModel As IAgAvtrAircraftBasicAccelerationModel = acceleration.GetBuiltInModel()

' Get the level turns options
Dim levelTurns As IAgAvtrLevelTurns = basicAccModel.LevelTurns
' Set a max bank angle of 25
levelTurns.SetLevelTurn(AgEAvtrTurnMode.eTurnModeBankAngle, 25)
' Get the climb and descent transition options
Dim climbAndDescent As IAgAvtrClimbAndDescentTransitions = basicAccModel.ClimbAndDescentTransitions
' Set the max pull up G to 1
climbAndDescent.MaxPullUpG = 1.2
' Get the attitude transition options
Dim attitudeTransitions As IAgAvtrAttitudeTransitions = basicAccModel.AttitudeTransitions
' Set the max roll rate to 25
attitudeTransitions.RollRate = 25

' Get the aerodynamics
Dim aero As IAgAvtrAircraftAero = basicAccModel.Aerodynamics
' Use simple aerodynamics
aero.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftAeroStrategy.eAircraftAeroSimple
' Get the options for the simple aerodynamics and set some parameters
Dim simpleAero As IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleAero = aero.ModeAsSimple
simpleAero.SRef = 5
simpleAero.ClMax = 3.1
simpleAero.Cd = 0.05

' Get the propulsion
Dim prop As IAgAvtrAircraftProp = basicAccModel.Propulsion
' Use simple propulsion
prop.PropStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftPropStrategy.eAircraftPropSimple
' Get the simple propulsion options and set some parameters
Dim simpleProp As IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleProp = prop.ModeAsSimple
simpleProp.MaxThrustAccel = 0.6
simpleProp.MinThrustDecel = 0.4
simpleProp.SetDensityScaling(True, 0.02)

' Save the changes to the catalog
Configure the basic acceleration performance model of an aircraft
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
# Get the acceleration type
acceleration = aviatorAircraft.Acceleration
# Get the build in performance model
basicAccModel = acceleration.GetBuiltInModel()

# Get the level turns options
levelTurns = basicAccModel.LevelTurns
# Set a max bank angle of 25
levelTurns.SetLevelTurn(AgEAvtrTurnMode.eTurnModeBankAngle, 25)
# Get the climb and descent transition options
climbAndDescent = basicAccModel.ClimbAndDescentTransitions
# Set the max pull up G to 1
climbAndDescent.MaxPullUpG = 1.2
# Get the attitude transition options
attitudeTransitions = basicAccModel.AttitudeTransitions
# Set the max roll rate to 25
attitudeTransitions.RollRate = 25

# Get the aerodynamics
aero = basicAccModel.Aerodynamics
# Use simple aerodynamics
aero.AeroStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftAeroStrategy.eAircraftAeroSimple
# Get the options for the simple aerodynamics and set some parameters
simpleAero = aero.ModeAsSimple
simpleAero.SRef = 5
simpleAero.ClMax = 3.1
simpleAero.Cd = 0.05

# Get the propulsion
prop = basicAccModel.Propulsion
# Use simple propulsion
prop.PropStrategy = AgEAvtrAircraftPropStrategy.eAircraftPropSimple
# Get the simple propulsion options and set some parameters
simpleProp = prop.ModeAsSimple
simpleProp.MaxThrustAccel = 0.6
simpleProp.MinThrustDecel = 0.4
simpleProp.SetDensityScaling(True, 0.02)

# Save the changes to the catalog

Configure the basic acceleration performance model of an aircraft
% IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
% Get the acceleration type
acceleration = aviatorAircraft.Acceleration;
% Get the build in performance model
basicAccModel = acceleration.GetBuiltInModel();

% Get the level turns options
levelTurns = basicAccModel.LevelTurns;
% Set a max bank angle of 25
levelTurns.SetLevelTurn('eTurnModeBankAngle', 25);
% Get the climb and descent transition options
climbAndDescent = basicAccModel.ClimbAndDescentTransitions;
% Set the max pull up G to 1
climbAndDescent.MaxPullUpG = 1.2;
% Get the attitude transition options
attitudeTransitions = basicAccModel.AttitudeTransitions;
% Set the max roll rate to 25
attitudeTransitions.RollRate = 25;

% Get the aerodynamics
aero = basicAccModel.Aerodynamics;
% Use simple aerodynamics
aero.AeroStrategy = 'eAircraftAeroSimple';
% Get the options for the simple aerodynamics and set some parameters
simpleAero = aero.ModeAsSimple;
simpleAero.SRef = 5;
simpleAero.ClMax = 3.1;
simpleAero.Cd = 0.05;

% Get the propulsion
prop = basicAccModel.Propulsion;
% Use simple propulsion
prop.PropStrategy = 'eAircraftPropSimple';
% Get the simple propulsion options and set some parameters
simpleProp = prop.ModeAsSimple;
simpleProp.MaxThrustAccel = 0.6;
simpleProp.MinThrustDecel = 0.4;
simpleProp.SetDensityScaling(true, 0.02);

% Save the changes to the catalog

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