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IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAhead Interface


Interface used to access options for a Straight Ahead Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.

Public Properties

Public Property CompensateForCoriolisAccelGets or sets the option to compensate for the acceleration due to the Coriolis effect.
Public Property ReferenceFrameGets or sets the reference frame the aircraft will use to fly straight ahead.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAhead


Add and configure a basic maneuver procedure
// Add a basic maneuver procedure
IAgAvtrProcedureBasicManeuver basicManeuver = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcBasicManeuver) as IAgAvtrProcedureBasicManeuver;

// Set the navigation to use a Straight Ahead strategy
basicManeuver.NavigationStrategyType = "Straight Ahead";
// Get the options for the straight ahead strategy
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAhead straightAhead = basicManeuver.Navigation as IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAhead;
// Opt to maintain course (as opposed to maintain heading)
straightAhead.ReferenceFrame = AgEAvtrStraightAheadRefFrame.eMaintainCourse;

// Set the profile to use a Autopilot - Vertical Plane strategy
basicManeuver.ProfileStrategyType = "Autopilot - Vertical Plane";
// Get the options for the profile strategy
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotProf autopilot = basicManeuver.Profile as IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotProf;
// Opt to maintain the initial altitude
autopilot.AltitudeMode = AgEAvtrAutopilotAltitudeMode.eAutopilotHoldInitAltitude;
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedOptions airspeedOptions = autopilot.AirspeedOptions;
// Opt to maintain a specified airspeed
airspeedOptions.AirspeedMode = AgEAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedMode.eMaintainSpecifiedAirspeed;
// Specify the airspeed
airspeedOptions.SpecifiedAirspeed = 250;

// Configure the options on the Attitude / Performance / Fuel page
basicManeuver.FlightMode = AgEAvtrPhaseOfFlight.eFlightPhaseCruise;
// Override the fuel flow
basicManeuver.FuelFlowType = AgEAvtrBasicManeuverFuelFlowType.eBasicManeuverFuelFlowOverride;
basicManeuver.OverrideFuelFlowValue = 1000;

// Set the basic stopping conditions
basicManeuver.UseMaxDownrange = true;
basicManeuver.MaxDownrange = 10;
basicManeuver.UseStopFuelState = false;
basicManeuver.UseMaxTimeOfFlight = false;
Add and configure a basic maneuver procedure
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Add a basic maneuver procedure
Dim basicManeuver As IAgAvtrProcedureBasicManeuver = TryCast(procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcBasicManeuver), IAgAvtrProcedureBasicManeuver)

' Set the navigation to use a Straight Ahead strategy
basicManeuver.NavigationStrategyType = "Straight Ahead"
' Get the options for the straight ahead strategy
Dim straightAhead As IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAhead = TryCast(basicManeuver.Navigation, IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAhead)
' Opt to maintain course (as opposed to maintain heading)
straightAhead.ReferenceFrame = AgEAvtrStraightAheadRefFrame.eMaintainCourse

' Set the profile to use a Autopilot - Vertical Plane strategy
basicManeuver.ProfileStrategyType = "Autopilot - Vertical Plane"
' Get the options for the profile strategy
Dim autopilot As IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotProf = TryCast(basicManeuver.Profile, IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotProf)
' Opt to maintain the initial altitude
autopilot.AltitudeMode = AgEAvtrAutopilotAltitudeMode.eAutopilotHoldInitAltitude
Dim airspeedOptions As IAgAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedOptions = autopilot.AirspeedOptions
' Opt to maintain a specified airspeed
airspeedOptions.AirspeedMode = AgEAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedMode.eMaintainSpecifiedAirspeed
' Specify the airspeed
airspeedOptions.SpecifiedAirspeed = 250

' Configure the options on the Attitude / Performance / Fuel page
basicManeuver.FlightMode = AgEAvtrPhaseOfFlight.eFlightPhaseCruise
' Override the fuel flow
basicManeuver.FuelFlowType = AgEAvtrBasicManeuverFuelFlowType.eBasicManeuverFuelFlowOverride
basicManeuver.OverrideFuelFlowValue = 1000

' Set the basic stopping conditions
basicManeuver.UseMaxDownrange = True
basicManeuver.MaxDownrange = 10
basicManeuver.UseStopFuelState = False
basicManeuver.UseMaxTimeOfFlight = False
Add and configure a basic maneuver procedure
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
# Add a basic maneuver procedure
basicManeuver = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcBasicManeuver)

# Set the navigation to use a Straight Ahead strategy
basicManeuver.NavigationStrategyType = 'Straight Ahead'
# Get the options for the straight ahead strategy
straightAhead = basicManeuver.Navigation
# Opt to maintain course (as opposed to maintain heading)
straightAhead.ReferenceFrame = AgEAvtrStraightAheadRefFrame.eMaintainCourse

# Set the profile to use a Autopilot - Vertical Plane strategy
basicManeuver.ProfileStrategyType = 'Autopilot - Vertical Plane'
# Get the options for the profile strategy
autopilot = basicManeuver.Profile
# Opt to maintain the initial altitude
autopilot.AltitudeMode = AgEAvtrAutopilotAltitudeMode.eAutopilotHoldInitAltitude
airspeedOptions = autopilot.AirspeedOptions
# Opt to maintain a specified airspeed
airspeedOptions.AirspeedMode = AgEAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedMode.eMaintainSpecifiedAirspeed
# Specify the airspeed
airspeedOptions.SpecifiedAirspeed = 250

# Configure the options on the Attitude / Performance / Fuel page
basicManeuver.FlightMode = AgEAvtrPhaseOfFlight.eFlightPhaseCruise
# Override the fuel flow
basicManeuver.FuelFlowType = AgEAvtrBasicManeuverFuelFlowType.eBasicManeuverFuelFlowOverride
basicManeuver.OverrideFuelFlowValue = 1000

# Set the basic stopping conditions
basicManeuver.UseMaxDownrange = True
basicManeuver.MaxDownrange = 10
basicManeuver.UseStopFuelState = False
basicManeuver.UseMaxTimeOfFlight = False

Add and configure a basic maneuver procedure
% IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
% Add a basic maneuver procedure
basicManeuver = procedures.Add('eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure', 'eProcBasicManeuver');

% Set the navigation to use a Straight Ahead strategy
basicManeuver.NavigationStrategyType = 'Straight Ahead';
% Get the options for the straight ahead strategy
straightAhead = basicManeuver.Navigation;
% Opt to maintain course (as opposed to maintain heading)
straightAhead.ReferenceFrame = 'eMaintainCourse';

% Set the profile to use a Autopilot - Vertical Plane strategy
basicManeuver.ProfileStrategyType = 'Autopilot - Vertical Plane';
% Get the options for the profile strategy
autopilot = basicManeuver.Profile;
% Opt to maintain the initial altitude
autopilot.AltitudeMode = 'eAutopilotHoldInitAltitude';
airspeedOptions = autopilot.AirspeedOptions;
% Opt to maintain a specified airspeed
airspeedOptions.AirspeedMode = 'eMaintainSpecifiedAirspeed';
% Specify the airspeed
airspeedOptions.SpecifiedAirspeed = 250;

% Configure the options on the Attitude / Performance / Fuel page
basicManeuver.FlightMode = 'eFlightPhaseCruise';
% Override the fuel flow
basicManeuver.FuelFlowType = 'eBasicManeuverFuelFlowOverride';
basicManeuver.OverrideFuelFlowValue = 1000;

% Set the basic stopping conditions
basicManeuver.UseMaxDownrange = 1;
basicManeuver.MaxDownrange = 10;
basicManeuver.UseStopFuelState = 0;
basicManeuver.UseMaxTimeOfFlight = 0;

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