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IAgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproach Interface


The interface used to access the options for a Standard Instrument Approach mode for a landing procedure. The approach mode must be set to Standard Instrument Approach to access this interface.

Public Properties

Public Property ApproachAltitudeGets or sets the aircraft's altitude at the Initial Approach Fix Range.
Public Property ApproachFixRangeGets or sets the range from the reference point of the runway at which the aircraft begins its landing approach.
Public Property ApproachFixRangeModeGets or sets the reference point on the runway for the Approach Fix Range.
Public Property GlideslopeGets or sets the angle from the horizontal on which the aircraft descends to touchdown.
Public Property LevelOffModeGets or sets the level off mode. This is only used when the must level off option is on.
Public Property RunwayAltitudeOffsetGets or sets the altitude offset above the ground level.
Public Property TouchAndGoOpt whether to perform a Touch and Go landing. The procedure will stop at wheels down and can be immediately followed by a takeoff procedure.
Public Property UseRunwayTerrainOpt whether to use terrain data to define the runway's ground level attitude.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproach


Add and configure a landing procedure
// Add a landing procedure
IAgAvtrProcedureLanding landing = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcLanding) as IAgAvtrProcedureLanding;

// Get the runway heading options
IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions headingOptions = landing.RunwayHeadingOptions;
// Land from the low end
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eLowEnd;

// Use a standard instrument approach
landing.ApproachMode = AgEAvtrApproachMode.eStandardInstrumentApproach;
// Get the options for a standard instrument approach
IAgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproach sia = landing.ModeAsStandardInstrumentApproach;
// Change the approach altitude
sia.ApproachAltitude = 1000;
// Change the glideslope
sia.Glideslope = 4;
// Offset the runway altitude
sia.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10;
// Use the terrain as an altitude reference for the runway
sia.UseRunwayTerrain = true;
Add and configure a landing procedure
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Add a landing procedure
Dim landing As IAgAvtrProcedureLanding = TryCast(procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcLanding), IAgAvtrProcedureLanding)

' Get the runway heading options
Dim headingOptions As IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions = landing.RunwayHeadingOptions
' Land from the low end
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eLowEnd

' Use a standard instrument approach
landing.ApproachMode = AgEAvtrApproachMode.eStandardInstrumentApproach
' Get the options for a standard instrument approach
Dim sia As IAgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproach = landing.ModeAsStandardInstrumentApproach
' Change the approach altitude
sia.ApproachAltitude = 1000
' Change the glideslope
sia.Glideslope = 4
' Offset the runway altitude
sia.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10
' Use the terrain as an altitude reference for the runway
sia.UseRunwayTerrain = True
Add and configure a landing procedure
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
# Add a landing procedure
landing = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcLanding)

# Get the runway heading options
headingOptions = landing.RunwayHeadingOptions
# Land from the low end
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eLowEnd

# Use a standard instrument approach
landing.ApproachMode = AgEAvtrApproachMode.eStandardInstrumentApproach
# Get the options for a standard instrument approach
sia = landing.ModeAsStandardInstrumentApproach
# Change the approach altitude
sia.ApproachAltitude = 1000
# Change the glideslope
sia.Glideslope = 4
# Offset the runway altitude
sia.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10
# Use the terrain as an altitude reference for the runway
sia.UseRunwayTerrain = True

Add and configure a landing procedure
% IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
% Add a landing procedure
landing = procedures.Add('eSiteRunway', 'eProcLanding');

% Get the runway heading options
headingOptions = landing.RunwayHeadingOptions;
% Land from the low end
headingOptions.RunwayMode = 'eLowEnd';

% Use a standard instrument approach
landing.ApproachMode = 'eStandardInstrumentApproach';
% Get the options for a standard instrument approach
sia = landing.ModeAsStandardInstrumentApproach;
% Change the approach altitude
sia.ApproachAltitude = 1000;
% Change the glideslope
sia.Glideslope = 4;
% Offset the runway altitude
sia.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10;
% Use the terrain as an altitude reference for the runway
sia.UseRunwayTerrain = 1;

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