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IAgAvtrMission Interface


Interface for the mission of an aircraft using the Aviator propagator.

Public Methods

Public Method GetFirstInvalidProcedureGet the first invalid procedure in the mission. Calling this method will propagate the mission.

Public Properties

Public Property AtmosphereModelGet the mission atmosphere model.
Public Property ConfigurationGet the aircraft's configuration for the mission.
Public Property IsValidCheck whether the mission is valid. Calling this property will propagate the mission.
Public Property PhasesGet the mission phases.
Public Property VehicleGets or sets the vehicle used in the mission.
Public Property WindModelGet the mission wind model.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrMission


Set the Configuration used for the Mission
// Get the configuration used for the mission
IAgAvtrConfiguration configuration = mission.Configuration;
// Set the max landing weight
configuration.MaxLandingWeight = 300000;
// Set the empty weight
configuration.EmptyWeight = 210000;
// Update the center of gravity of the aircraft when empty
configuration.SetEmptyCG(2, 0, 1);

// Get the stations
IAgAvtrStationCollection stations = configuration.GetStations();
// Check if there is an internal fuel station
bool hasInternalFuel = stations.ContainsStation("Internal Fuel");

if (hasInternalFuel)
    // Get the fuel tank
    IAgAvtrFuelTankInternal fuelTank = stations.GetInternalFuelTankByName("Internal Fuel");
    // Set the capacity of the fuel tank
    fuelTank.Capacity = 175000;
    // Set the initial state of the fuel tank
    fuelTank.InitialFuelState = 125000;

// Add a new payload station
IAgAvtrPayloadStation newPayload = stations.AddPayloadStation();
// Set the position of the payload station
newPayload.SetPosition(0, 2, 0);
// Add an external fuel tank
IAgAvtrFuelTankExternal externalTank = newPayload.AddExternalFuelTank();
// Set the empty weight of the tank
externalTank.EmptyWeight = 2000;

Configure the weather and atmosphere of the Mission
// Get the wind model used for the mission
IAgAvtrWindModel windModel = mission.WindModel;
// Let's use the mission model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel;
// Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind;
// Get the constant wind model options
IAgAvtrWindModelConstant constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant;
// Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30;
// Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5;

// Get the atmosphere model used for the mission
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModel atmosphere = mission.AtmosphereModel;
// Let's use the mission model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel;
// Get the basic atmosphere options
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasic basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic;
// Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976;
// Opt to override the values
basicAtmosphere.UseNonStandardAtmosphere = true;
// Override the temperature
basicAtmosphere.Temperature = 290;
Set the aircraft used for the mission to an aircraft found in the Aviator catalog
// Get the Aviator catalog
IAgAvtrCatalog catalog = propagator.AvtrCatalog;
// Get the aircraft category
IAgAvtrAircraftCategory category = catalog.AircraftCategory;
// Get the user aircraft models
IAgAvtrAircraftModels aircraftModels = category.AircraftModels;
// Get the basic fighter
IAgAvtrAircraft fighter = aircraftModels.GetAircraft("Basic Fighter");
// Get the mission
IAgAvtrMission mission = propagator.AvtrMission;
// Set the vehicle used for the mission
mission.Vehicle = fighter as IAgAvtrVehicle;
Add and remove procedures
// Add a takeoff procedure with a runway as a site. This will add the procedure
IAgAvtrProcedure takeoff = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcTakeoff);
// Add a procedure at a given index (starting from 0)
IAgAvtrProcedure enroute = procedures.AddAtIndex(1, AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcEnroute);

// Make sure to propagate the mission to calculate the route
// Get the mission
IAgAvtrMission mission = propagator.AvtrMission;
// Check to see if the mission is valid (must first be propagated)
bool isValid = mission.IsValid;

// Get the number of procedures
int procedureCount = procedures.Count;
// Remove the procedure at the given index
// Remove the given procedure

// Propagate the mission
Set the Configuration used for the Mission
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the configuration used for the mission
Dim configuration As IAgAvtrConfiguration = mission.Configuration
' Set the max landing weight
configuration.MaxLandingWeight = 300000
' Set the empty weight
configuration.EmptyWeight = 210000
' Update the center of gravity of the aircraft when empty
configuration.SetEmptyCG(2, 0, 1)

' Get the stations
Dim stations As IAgAvtrStationCollection = configuration.GetStations()
' Check if there is an internal fuel station
Dim hasInternalFuel As Boolean = stations.ContainsStation("Internal Fuel")

If hasInternalFuel Then
	' Get the fuel tank
	Dim fuelTank As IAgAvtrFuelTankInternal = stations.GetInternalFuelTankByName("Internal Fuel")
	' Set the capacity of the fuel tank
	fuelTank.Capacity = 175000
	' Set the initial state of the fuel tank
	fuelTank.InitialFuelState = 125000
End If

' Add a new payload station
Dim newPayload As IAgAvtrPayloadStation = stations.AddPayloadStation()
' Set the position of the payload station
newPayload.SetPosition(0, 2, 0)
' Add an external fuel tank
Dim externalTank As IAgAvtrFuelTankExternal = newPayload.AddExternalFuelTank()
' Set the empty weight of the tank
externalTank.EmptyWeight = 2000

Configure the weather and atmosphere of the Mission
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the wind model used for the mission
Dim windModel As IAgAvtrWindModel = mission.WindModel
' Let's use the mission model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel
' Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind
' Get the constant wind model options
Dim constantWind As IAgAvtrWindModelConstant = windModel.ModeAsConstant
' Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30
' Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5

' Get the atmosphere model used for the mission
Dim atmosphere As IAgAvtrAtmosphereModel = mission.AtmosphereModel
' Let's use the mission model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel
' Get the basic atmosphere options
Dim basicAtmosphere As IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasic = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic
' Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976
' Opt to override the values
basicAtmosphere.UseNonStandardAtmosphere = True
' Override the temperature
basicAtmosphere.Temperature = 290
Set the aircraft used for the mission to an aircraft found in the Aviator catalog
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the Aviator catalog
Dim catalog As IAgAvtrCatalog = propagator.AvtrCatalog
' Get the aircraft category
Dim category As IAgAvtrAircraftCategory = catalog.AircraftCategory
' Get the user aircraft models
Dim aircraftModels As IAgAvtrAircraftModels = category.AircraftModels
' Get the basic fighter
Dim fighter As IAgAvtrAircraft = aircraftModels.GetAircraft("Basic Fighter")
' Get the mission
Dim mission As IAgAvtrMission = propagator.AvtrMission
' Set the vehicle used for the mission
mission.Vehicle = TryCast(fighter, IAgAvtrVehicle)
Add and remove procedures
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Add a takeoff procedure with a runway as a site. This will add the procedure
Dim takeoff As IAgAvtrProcedure = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcTakeoff)
' Add a procedure at a given index (starting from 0)
Dim enroute As IAgAvtrProcedure = procedures.AddAtIndex(1, AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcEnroute)

' Make sure to propagate the mission to calculate the route
' Get the mission
Dim mission As IAgAvtrMission = propagator.AvtrMission
' Check to see if the mission is valid (must first be propagated)
Dim isValid As Boolean = mission.IsValid

' Get the number of procedures
Dim procedureCount As Integer = procedures.Count
' Remove the procedure at the given index
' Remove the given procedure

' Propagate the mission
Add and remove procedures
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
# IAgAvtrPropagator propagator: Aviator Propagator object
# Add a takeoff procedure with a runway as a site. This will add the procedure
takeoff = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcTakeoff)
# Add a procedure at a given index (starting from 0)
enroute = procedures.AddAtIndex(1, AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcEnroute)

# Make sure to propagate the mission to calculate the route
# Get the mission
mission = propagator.AvtrMission
# Check to see if the mission is valid (must first be propagated)
isValid = mission.IsValid

# Get the number of procedures
procedureCount = procedures.Count
# Remove the procedure at the given index
# Remove the given procedure

# Propagate the mission

Configure the weather and atmosphere of the Mission
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrMission mission: Aviator Mission object
# Get the wind model used for the mission
windModel = mission.WindModel
# Let's use the mission model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel
# Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind
# Get the constant wind model options
constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant
# Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30
# Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5

# Get the atmosphere model used for the mission
atmosphere = mission.AtmosphereModel
# Let's use the mission model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel
# Get the basic atmosphere options
basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic
# Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976
# Opt to override the values
basicAtmosphere.UseNonStandardAtmosphere = True
# Override the temperature
basicAtmosphere.Temperature = 290

Set the aircraft used for the mission to an aircraft found in the Aviator catalog
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrPropagator propagator: Aviator Propagator object
# Get the Aviator catalog
catalog = propagator.AvtrCatalog
# Get the aircraft category
category = catalog.AircraftCategory
# Get the user aircraft models
aircraftModels = category.AircraftModels
# Get the basic fighter
fighter = aircraftModels.GetAircraft('Basic Fighter')
# Get the mission
mission = propagator.AvtrMission
# Set the vehicle used for the mission
mission.Vehicle = fighter

Set the Configuration used for the Mission
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrMission mission: Aviator Mission object
# Get the configuration used for the mission
configuration = mission.Configuration
# Set the max landing weight
configuration.MaxLandingWeight = 300000
# Set the empty weight
configuration.EmptyWeight = 210000
# Update the center of gravity of the aircraft when empty
configuration.SetEmptyCG(2, 0, 1)

# Get the stations
stations = configuration.GetStations()
# Check if there is an internal fuel station
if stations.ContainsStation('Internal Fuel') is True:
    # Get the fuel tank
    fuelTank = stations.GetInternalFuelTankByName('Internal Fuel')
    # Set the capacity of the fuel tank
    fuelTank.Capacity = 175000
    # Set the initial state of the fuel tank
    fuelTank.InitialFuelState = 125000

# Add a new payload station
newPayload = stations.AddPayloadStation()
# Set the position of the payload station
newPayload.SetPosition(0, 2, 0)
# Add an external fuel tank
externalTank = newPayload.AddExternalFuelTank()
# Set the empty weight of the tank
externalTank.EmptyWeight = 2000

Set the Configuration used for the Mission
% IAgAvtrMission mission: Aviator Mission object
% Get the configuration used for the mission
configuration = mission.Configuration;
% Set the max landing weight
configuration.MaxLandingWeight = 300000;
% Set the empty weight
configuration.EmptyWeight = 210000;
% Update the center of gravity of the aircraft when empty
configuration.SetEmptyCG(2, 0, 1);

% Get the stations
stations = configuration.GetStations();
% Check if there is an internal fuel station
hasInternalFuel = stations.ContainsStation("Internal Fuel");

if (hasInternalFuel > 0)
    % Get the fuel tank
    fuelTank = stations.GetInternalFuelTankByName("Internal Fuel");
    % Set the capacity of the fuel tank
    fuelTank.Capacity = 175000;
    % Set the initial state of the fuel tank
    fuelTank.InitialFuelState = 125000;

% Add a new payload station
newPayload = stations.AddPayloadStation();
% Set the position of the payload station
newPayload.SetPosition(0, 2, 0);
% Add an external fuel tank
externalTank = newPayload.AddExternalFuelTank();
% Set the empty weight of the tank
externalTank.EmptyWeight = 2000;

Configure the weather and atmosphere of the Mission
% IAgAvtrMission mission: Aviator Mission object
% Get the wind model used for the mission
windModel = mission.WindModel;
% Let's use the mission model
windModel.WindModelSource = 'eMissionModel';
% Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = 'eConstantWind';
% Get the constant wind model options
constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant;
% Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30;
% Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5;

% Get the atmosphere model used for the mission
atmosphere = mission.AtmosphereModel;
% Let's use the mission model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = 'eMissionModel';
% Get the basic atmosphere options
basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic;
% Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = 'eStandard1976';
% Opt to override the values
basicAtmosphere.UseNonStandardAtmosphere = 1;
% Override the temperature
basicAtmosphere.Temperature = 290;

Set the aircraft used for the mission to an aircraft found in the Aviator catalog
% IAgAvtrPropagator propagator: Aviator Propagator object
% Get the Aviator catalog
catalog = propagator.AvtrCatalog;
% Get the aircraft category
category = catalog.AircraftCategory;
% Get the user aircraft models
aircraftModels = category.AircraftModels;
% Get the basic fighter
fighter = aircraftModels.GetAircraft("Basic Fighter");
% Get the mission
mission = propagator.AvtrMission;
% Set the vehicle used for the mission
mission.Vehicle = fighter;

Add and remove procedures
% IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
% IAgAvtrPropagator propagator: Aviator Propagator object
% Add a takeoff procedure with a runway as a site. This will add the procedure
takeoff = procedures.Add('eSiteRunway', 'eProcTakeoff');
% Add a procedure at a given index (starting from 0)
enroute = procedures.AddAtIndex(1, 'eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure', 'eProcEnroute');

% Make sure to propagate the mission to calculate the route
% Get the mission
mission = propagator.AvtrMission;
% Check to see if the mission is valid (must first be propagated)
isValid = mission.IsValid;

% Get the number of procedures
procedureCount = procedures.Count;
% Remove the procedure at the given index
% Remove the given procedure

% Propagate the mission

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