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IAgAvtrPerformanceModel Interface


Interface for a performance model of an Aviator vehicle.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrPerformanceModel


Create a new performance model for an aircraft
// Get the acceleration type
IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration acceleration = aircraft.Acceleration;
// Get it as a catalog item
IAgAvtrCatalogItem accAsCatalogItem = acceleration.GetAsCatalogItem();
// Get the names of the current acceleration models
Array modelNames = accAsCatalogItem.ChildNames;
// Check how many models there are
int modelCount = modelNames.Length;
// Get the child types (for example AGI Basic Acceleration Model, Advanced Acceleration Model)
Array modelTypes = accAsCatalogItem.ChildTypes;
// Create a new performance model of type "Advanced Acceleration Model"
IAgAvtrCatalogItem newPerformanceModel = accAsCatalogItem.AddChildOfType("Advanced Acceleration Model", "Model Name");
// Save the changes to the catalog
Create a new performance model for an aircraft
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the acceleration type
Dim acceleration As IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration = aircraft.Acceleration
' Get it as a catalog item
Dim accAsCatalogItem As IAgAvtrCatalogItem = acceleration.GetAsCatalogItem()
' Get the names of the current acceleration models
Dim modelNames As Array = accAsCatalogItem.ChildNames
' Check how many models there are
Dim modelCount As Integer = modelNames.Length
' Get the child types (for example AGI Basic Acceleration Model, Advanced Acceleration Model)
Dim modelTypes As Array = accAsCatalogItem.ChildTypes
' Create a new performance model of type "Advanced Acceleration Model"
Dim newPerformanceModel As IAgAvtrCatalogItem = accAsCatalogItem.AddChildOfType("Advanced Acceleration Model", "Model Name")
' Save the changes to the catalog
Create a new performance model for an aircraft
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
# Get the acceleration type
acceleration = aviatorAircraft.Acceleration
# Get the names of the current acceleration models
modelNames = acceleration.ChildNames
# Check how many models there are
modelCount = len(modelNames)
# Get the child types (for example AGI Basic Acceleration Model, Advanced Acceleration Model)
modelTypes = acceleration.ChildTypes
# Create a new performance model of type "Advanced Acceleration Model"
newPerformanceModel = acceleration.AddChildOfType('Advanced Acceleration Model', 'Model Name')
# Save the changes to the catalog

Create a new performance model for an aircraft
% IAgAvtrAircraft aviatorAircraft: Aviator Aircraft object
% Get the acceleration type
acceleration = aviatorAircraft.Acceleration;
% Get the names of the current acceleration models
modelNames = acceleration.ChildNames;
% Check how many models there are
modelCount = length(modelNames);
% Get the child types (for example AGI Basic Acceleration Model, Advanced Acceleration Model)
modelTypes = acceleration.ChildTypes;
% Create a new performance model of type "Advanced Acceleration Model"
newPerformanceModel = acceleration.AddChildOfType('Advanced Acceleration Model', 'Model Name');
% Save the changes to the catalog

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