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IAgAvtrProcedureEnroute Interface


Interface used to access the options for an enroute procedure.

Public Methods

Public Method GetAsProcedureGet the procedure interface.

Public Properties

Public Property AltitudeMSLOptionsGet the altitude MSL options.
Public Property EnrouteCruiseAirspeedOptionsGet the enroute cruise airspeed options.
Public Property EnrouteOptionsGet the enroute options.
Public Property NavigationOptionsGet the navigation options.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrProcedureEnroute


Add and configure an enroute procedure
// Add an enroute procedure with a site type of End of Previous Procedure
IAgAvtrProcedureEnroute enroute = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcEnroute) as IAgAvtrProcedureEnroute;
//Get the altitude options
IAgAvtrAltitudeMSLAndLevelOffOptions altitudeOptions = enroute.AltitudeMSLOptions;
// To specify an altitude, turn off the option to use the default cruise altitude
altitudeOptions.UseDefaultCruiseAltitude = false;
// Set the altitude
altitudeOptions.MSLAltitude = 10000;

//Get the navigation options
IAgAvtrNavigationOptions navigationOptions = enroute.NavigationOptions;
// Set the route to arrive on a specified course
navigationOptions.NavMode = AgEAvtrPointToPointMode.eArriveOnCourse;
// Set the course
navigationOptions.ArriveOnCourse = 30;
// Use a magnetic heading
navigationOptions.UseMagneticHeading = true;

//Get the navigation options
IAgAvtrCruiseAirspeedOptions airspeedOptions = enroute.EnrouteCruiseAirspeedOptions;
// Fly at max speed
airspeedOptions.CruiseSpeedType = AgEAvtrCruiseSpeed.eMaxAirspeed;
// To specify an airspeed to fly at, set the speed type to other airspeed
airspeedOptions.CruiseSpeedType = AgEAvtrCruiseSpeed.eOtherAirspeed;
// Then set the airspeed and airspeed type
airspeedOptions.SetOtherAirspeed(AgEAvtrAirspeedType.eTAS, 200);
Add and configure an enroute procedure
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Add an enroute procedure with a site type of End of Previous Procedure
Dim enroute As IAgAvtrProcedureEnroute = TryCast(procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcEnroute), IAgAvtrProcedureEnroute)
'Get the altitude options
Dim altitudeOptions As IAgAvtrAltitudeMSLAndLevelOffOptions = enroute.AltitudeMSLOptions
' To specify an altitude, turn off the option to use the default cruise altitude
altitudeOptions.UseDefaultCruiseAltitude = False
' Set the altitude
altitudeOptions.MSLAltitude = 10000

'Get the navigation options
Dim navigationOptions As IAgAvtrNavigationOptions = enroute.NavigationOptions
' Set the route to arrive on a specified course
navigationOptions.NavMode = AgEAvtrPointToPointMode.eArriveOnCourse
' Set the course
navigationOptions.ArriveOnCourse = 30
' Use a magnetic heading
navigationOptions.UseMagneticHeading = True

'Get the navigation options
Dim airspeedOptions As IAgAvtrCruiseAirspeedOptions = enroute.EnrouteCruiseAirspeedOptions
' Fly at max speed
airspeedOptions.CruiseSpeedType = AgEAvtrCruiseSpeed.eMaxAirspeed
' To specify an airspeed to fly at, set the speed type to other airspeed
airspeedOptions.CruiseSpeedType = AgEAvtrCruiseSpeed.eOtherAirspeed
' Then set the airspeed and airspeed type
airspeedOptions.SetOtherAirspeed(AgEAvtrAirspeedType.eTAS, 200)
Add and configure an enroute procedure
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
# Add an enroute procedure with a site type of End of Previous Procedure
enroute = procedures.AddAtIndex(1, AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcEnroute)
# Get the altitude options
altitudeOptions = enroute.AltitudeMSLOptions
# To specify an altitude, turn off the option to use the default cruise altitude
altitudeOptions.UseDefaultCruiseAltitude = False
# Set the altitude
altitudeOptions.MSLAltitude = 10000

# Get the navigation options
navigationOptions = enroute.NavigationOptions
# Set the route to arrive on a specified course
navigationOptions.NavMode = AgEAvtrPointToPointMode.eArriveOnCourse
# Set the course
navigationOptions.ArriveOnCourse = 30
# Use a magnetic heading
navigationOptions.UseMagneticHeading = True

# Get the navigation options
airspeedOptions = enroute.EnrouteCruiseAirspeedOptions
# Fly at max speed
airspeedOptions.CruiseSpeedType = AgEAvtrCruiseSpeed.eMaxAirspeed
# To specify an airspeed to fly at, set the speed type to other airspeed
airspeedOptions.CruiseSpeedType = AgEAvtrCruiseSpeed.eOtherAirspeed
# Then set the airspeed and airspeed type
airspeedOptions.SetOtherAirspeed(AgEAvtrAirspeedType.eTAS, 200)

Add and configure an enroute procedure
% IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
% Add an enroute procedure with a site type of End of Previous Procedure
enroute = procedures.Add('eSiteEndOfPrevProcedure', 'eProcEnroute');
%Get the altitude options
altitudeOptions = enroute.AltitudeMSLOptions;
% To specify an altitude, turn off the option to use the default cruise altitude
altitudeOptions.UseDefaultCruiseAltitude = 0;
% Set the altitude
altitudeOptions.MSLAltitude = 10000;

%Get the navigation options
navigationOptions = enroute.NavigationOptions;
% Set the route to arrive on a specified course
navigationOptions.NavMode = 'eArriveOnCourse';
% Set the course
navigationOptions.ArriveOnCourse = 30;
% Use a magnetic heading
navigationOptions.UseMagneticHeading = 1;

%Get the navigation options
airspeedOptions = enroute.EnrouteCruiseAirspeedOptions;
% Fly at max speed
airspeedOptions.CruiseSpeedType = 'eMaxAirspeed';
% To specify an airspeed to fly at, set the speed type to other airspeed
airspeedOptions.CruiseSpeedType = 'eOtherAirspeed';
% Then set the airspeed and airspeed type
airspeedOptions.SetOtherAirspeed('eTAS', 200);

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