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IAgAvtrProcedureInFormation Interface


Interface used to access the options for an In Formation procedure.

Public Methods

Public Method GetAsProcedureGet the procedure interface.

Public Properties

Public Property ConsiderAccelForFuelFlowGets or sets the option to calculate the fuel flow rate according to the acceleration of the aircraft.
Public Property DisplayStepTimeGets or sets the time interval at which ephemeris is generated for display purposes.
Public Property FlightModeGets or sets the type of performance model that the aircraft will use to fly the maneuver.
Public Property FormationPointGets or sets the position that the aircraft will be locked onto while in formation.
Public Property FuelFlowTypeGets or sets the source used to calculate the fuel flow for the maneuver.
Public Property HoldTimeGets or sets the amount of time that the aircraft will pause at a zero altitude offset.
Public Property OverrideFuelFlowValueGets or sets the value used for the Override Fuel Flow type. The fuel flow type must be set to Override to access this value.
Public Property TrajectoryBlendingGets or sets the interpolation mode to determine the aircraft's position and velocity.
Public Property TransitionTimeGets or sets the amount of time that the aircraft will spend transitioning from the altitude offset to a zero altitude offset.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrProcedureInFormation

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