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IAgAvtrRotorcraft Interface


Interface used to access the rotorcraft options in the Aviator catalog.

Public Methods

Public Method GetAsCatalogItemGet the catalog item interface for this object.
Public Method SetMaxSafeAirspeedSet the maximum safe airspeed and airspeed type.
Public Method SetMaxSafeTranslationSpeedSet the maximum safe translation airspeed and airspeed type.

Public Properties

Public Property AerodynamicsGet the aerodynamics interface.
Public Property ClimbAtCruiseAirspeedSelect to define the climbing airspeed of the rotorcraft using the cruise airspeed of the current procedure.
Public Property ComputeDeltaAltGets or sets the maximum change in altitude in a computed segment before the data is sampled again.
Public Property DefaultConfigurationGet the aircraft's default configuration as saved in the catalog.
Public Property DefaultCruiseAltitudeGets or sets the rotorcraft's default cruising altitude.
Public Property DescentRateFactorGets or sets the descent rate of the rotorcraft as a factor multiplied by the altitude change rate calculated at zero throttle.
Public Property IgnoreFPAForClimbDescentTransitionsOpt to ignore load factor limits when pushing over or pulling up.
Public Property MaxAltitudeGets or sets the maximum altitude at which the rotorcraft is capable of operating.
Public Property MaxClimbAngleGets or sets the maximum pitch angle of the rotorcraft's flight path while climbing.
Public Property MaxDescentAngleGets or sets the maximum pitch angle of the rotorcraft's flight path while descending.
Public Property MaxLoadFactorGets or sets the maximum load factor that the aircraft can bear while maneuvering in formation.
Public Property MaxSafeAirspeedGet the maximum cruising airspeed of the rotorcraft.
Public Property MaxSafeAirspeedTypeGet the maximum safe airspeed type.
Public Property MaxSafeTranslationSpeedGet the maximum translation speed of the rotorcraft.
Public Property MaxSafeTranslationSpeedTypeGet the maximum safe translation speed type.
Public Property MaxTransitionPitchAngleGets or sets the maximum pitch angle of the flight path when transitioning between forward flight and hovering.
Public Property MinDescentRateGets or sets the minimum rate at which the aircraft will descend once established in a steady descent.
Public Property PitchRateGets or sets the pitch rate when transitioning between attitude modes or procedures.
Public Property PropulsionGet the propulsion interface.
Public Property RollRateGets or sets the standard roll rate of the rotorcraft in a turn.
Public Property TFMaxFlightPathAngleGets or sets the maximum pitch angle of the flight path when the rotorcraft is engaged in terrain following flight.
Public Property TFTerrainWindowGets or sets the time interval over which terrain points are sampled when the rotorcraft is engaged in terrain following flight.
Public Property YawRateGets or sets the yaw rate when transitioning between attitude modes.
Public Property YawRateDotGets or sets the rate of change of the yaw rate.


CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrRotorcraft

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