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IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions Interface


Interface for the Runway Heading Options found in a Takeoff or Landing procedure.

Public Properties

Public Property RunwayModeGets or sets the runway heading that the aircraft will use.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions


Add a takeoff procedure from a runway
// Add a takeoff procedure with a runway as a site
IAgAvtrProcedureTakeoff takeoff = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcTakeoff) as IAgAvtrProcedureTakeoff;

// Get the runway heading options
IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions headingOptions = takeoff.RunwayHeadingOptions;
// Opt to use the headwind runway
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eHeadwind;

// Set the takeoff mode and get that interface
takeoff.TakeoffMode = AgEAvtrTakeoffMode.eTakeoffNormal;
IAgAvtrTakeoffNormal takeoffNormal = takeoff.ModeAsNormal;

// Set the takeoff climb angle
takeoffNormal.TakeoffClimbAngle = 5;
// Set the departure altitude above the runway
takeoffNormal.DepartureAltitude = 600;
// Set the altitude offset for the runway
takeoffNormal.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10;
// Use terrain for the runway's altitude
takeoffNormal.UseRunwayTerrain = true;
Add and configure a landing procedure
// Add a landing procedure
IAgAvtrProcedureLanding landing = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcLanding) as IAgAvtrProcedureLanding;

// Get the runway heading options
IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions headingOptions = landing.RunwayHeadingOptions;
// Land from the low end
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eLowEnd;

// Use a standard instrument approach
landing.ApproachMode = AgEAvtrApproachMode.eStandardInstrumentApproach;
// Get the options for a standard instrument approach
IAgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproach sia = landing.ModeAsStandardInstrumentApproach;
// Change the approach altitude
sia.ApproachAltitude = 1000;
// Change the glideslope
sia.Glideslope = 4;
// Offset the runway altitude
sia.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10;
// Use the terrain as an altitude reference for the runway
sia.UseRunwayTerrain = true;
Add a takeoff procedure from a runway
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Add a takeoff procedure with a runway as a site
Dim takeoff As IAgAvtrProcedureTakeoff = TryCast(procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcTakeoff), IAgAvtrProcedureTakeoff)

' Get the runway heading options
Dim headingOptions As IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions = takeoff.RunwayHeadingOptions
' Opt to use the headwind runway
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eHeadwind

' Set the takeoff mode and get that interface
takeoff.TakeoffMode = AgEAvtrTakeoffMode.eTakeoffNormal
Dim takeoffNormal As IAgAvtrTakeoffNormal = takeoff.ModeAsNormal

' Set the takeoff climb angle
takeoffNormal.TakeoffClimbAngle = 5
' Set the departure altitude above the runway
takeoffNormal.DepartureAltitude = 600
' Set the altitude offset for the runway
takeoffNormal.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10
' Use terrain for the runway's altitude
takeoffNormal.UseRunwayTerrain = True
Add and configure a landing procedure
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Add a landing procedure
Dim landing As IAgAvtrProcedureLanding = TryCast(procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcLanding), IAgAvtrProcedureLanding)

' Get the runway heading options
Dim headingOptions As IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions = landing.RunwayHeadingOptions
' Land from the low end
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eLowEnd

' Use a standard instrument approach
landing.ApproachMode = AgEAvtrApproachMode.eStandardInstrumentApproach
' Get the options for a standard instrument approach
Dim sia As IAgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproach = landing.ModeAsStandardInstrumentApproach
' Change the approach altitude
sia.ApproachAltitude = 1000
' Change the glideslope
sia.Glideslope = 4
' Offset the runway altitude
sia.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10
' Use the terrain as an altitude reference for the runway
sia.UseRunwayTerrain = True
Add and configure a landing procedure
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
# Add a landing procedure
landing = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcLanding)

# Get the runway heading options
headingOptions = landing.RunwayHeadingOptions
# Land from the low end
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eLowEnd

# Use a standard instrument approach
landing.ApproachMode = AgEAvtrApproachMode.eStandardInstrumentApproach
# Get the options for a standard instrument approach
sia = landing.ModeAsStandardInstrumentApproach
# Change the approach altitude
sia.ApproachAltitude = 1000
# Change the glideslope
sia.Glideslope = 4
# Offset the runway altitude
sia.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10
# Use the terrain as an altitude reference for the runway
sia.UseRunwayTerrain = True

Add a takeoff procedure from a runway
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
# Add a takeoff procedure with a runway as a site
takeoff = procedures.Add(AgEAvtrSiteType.eSiteRunway, AgEAvtrProcedureType.eProcTakeoff)

# Get the runway heading options
headingOptions = takeoff.RunwayHeadingOptions
# Opt to use the headwind runway
headingOptions.RunwayMode = AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd.eHeadwind

# Set the takeoff mode and get that interface
takeoff.TakeoffMode = AgEAvtrTakeoffMode.eTakeoffNormal
takeoffNormal = takeoff.ModeAsNormal

# Set the takeoff climb angle
takeoffNormal.TakeoffClimbAngle = 5
# Set the departure altitude above the runway
takeoffNormal.DepartureAltitude = 600
# Set the altitude offset for the runway
takeoffNormal.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10
# Use terrain for the runway's altitude
takeoffNormal.UseRunwayTerrain = True

Add a takeoff procedure from a runway
% IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
% Add a takeoff procedure with a runway as a site
takeoff = procedures.Add('eSiteRunway', 'eProcTakeoff');

% Get the runway heading options
headingOptions = takeoff.RunwayHeadingOptions;
% Opt to use the headwind runway
headingOptions.RunwayMode = 'eHeadwind';

% Set the takeoff mode and get that interface
takeoff.TakeoffMode = 'eTakeoffNormal';
takeoffNormal = takeoff.ModeAsNormal;

% Set the takeoff climb angle
takeoffNormal.TakeoffClimbAngle = 5;
% Set the departure altitude above the runway
takeoffNormal.DepartureAltitude = 600;
% Set the altitude offset for the runway
takeoffNormal.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10;
% Use terrain for the runway's altitude
takeoffNormal.UseRunwayTerrain = 1;

Add and configure a landing procedure
% IAgAvtrProcedureCollection procedures: Procedure Collection object
% Add a landing procedure
landing = procedures.Add('eSiteRunway', 'eProcLanding');

% Get the runway heading options
headingOptions = landing.RunwayHeadingOptions;
% Land from the low end
headingOptions.RunwayMode = 'eLowEnd';

% Use a standard instrument approach
landing.ApproachMode = 'eStandardInstrumentApproach';
% Get the options for a standard instrument approach
sia = landing.ModeAsStandardInstrumentApproach;
% Change the approach altitude
sia.ApproachAltitude = 1000;
% Change the glideslope
sia.Glideslope = 4;
% Offset the runway altitude
sia.RunwayAltitudeOffset = 10;
% Use the terrain as an altitude reference for the runway
sia.UseRunwayTerrain = 1;

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