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IAgAvtrWindModel Interface


Interface used to access the wind model for a mission, scenario, or procedure.

Public Methods

Public Method CopyCopy the wind model.
Public Method PastePaste the wind model.

Public Properties

Public Property ModeAsADDSGet the options for a NOAA ADDS Service wind model.
Public Property ModeAsConstantGet the options for a Constant Bearing/Speed wind model.
Public Property WindModelSourceGets or sets the wind model source.
Public Property WindModelTypeGets or sets the wind model type.
Public Property WindModelTypeStringGets or sets the wind model type as a string value. Use this for custom models.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAvtrWindModel


Configure the weather and atmosphere of the Mission
// Get the wind model used for the mission
IAgAvtrWindModel windModel = mission.WindModel;
// Let's use the mission model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel;
// Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind;
// Get the constant wind model options
IAgAvtrWindModelConstant constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant;
// Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30;
// Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5;

// Get the atmosphere model used for the mission
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModel atmosphere = mission.AtmosphereModel;
// Let's use the mission model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel;
// Get the basic atmosphere options
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasic basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic;
// Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976;
// Opt to override the values
basicAtmosphere.UseNonStandardAtmosphere = true;
// Override the temperature
basicAtmosphere.Temperature = 290;
Configure the wind and atmosphere for a procedure
// Get the wind model for the procedure
IAgAvtrWindModel windModel = procedure.WindModel;
// Use the procedure model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eProcedureModel;
// Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind;
// Get the constant wind model options
IAgAvtrWindModelConstant constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant;
// Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30;
// Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5;

// Get the atmosphere model used for the procedure
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModel atmosphere = procedure.AtmosphereModel;
// Let's use the procedure model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eProcedureModel;
// Get the basic atmosphere options
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasic basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic;
// Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976;
Configure the weather and atmosphere of the Mission
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the wind model used for the mission
Dim windModel As IAgAvtrWindModel = mission.WindModel
' Let's use the mission model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel
' Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind
' Get the constant wind model options
Dim constantWind As IAgAvtrWindModelConstant = windModel.ModeAsConstant
' Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30
' Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5

' Get the atmosphere model used for the mission
Dim atmosphere As IAgAvtrAtmosphereModel = mission.AtmosphereModel
' Let's use the mission model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel
' Get the basic atmosphere options
Dim basicAtmosphere As IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasic = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic
' Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976
' Opt to override the values
basicAtmosphere.UseNonStandardAtmosphere = True
' Override the temperature
basicAtmosphere.Temperature = 290
Configure the wind and atmosphere for a procedure
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get the wind model for the procedure
Dim windModel As IAgAvtrWindModel = procedure.WindModel
' Use the procedure model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eProcedureModel
' Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind
' Get the constant wind model options
Dim constantWind As IAgAvtrWindModelConstant = windModel.ModeAsConstant
' Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30
' Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5

' Get the atmosphere model used for the procedure
Dim atmosphere As IAgAvtrAtmosphereModel = procedure.AtmosphereModel
' Let's use the procedure model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eProcedureModel
' Get the basic atmosphere options
Dim basicAtmosphere As IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasic = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic
' Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976
Configure the wind and atmosphere for a procedure
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrProcedure procedure: Procedure object
# Get the wind model for the procedure
windModel = procedure.WindModel
# Use the procedure model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eProcedureModel
# Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind
# Get the constant wind model options
constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant
# Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30
# Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5

# Get the atmosphere model used for the procedure
atmosphere = procedure.AtmosphereModel
# Let's use the procedure model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eProcedureModel
# Get the basic atmosphere options
basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic
# Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976

Configure the weather and atmosphere of the Mission
[Python - STK API]
      # IAgAvtrMission mission: Aviator Mission object
# Get the wind model used for the mission
windModel = mission.WindModel
# Let's use the mission model
windModel.WindModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel
# Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = AgEAvtrWindModelType.eConstantWind
# Get the constant wind model options
constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant
# Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30
# Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5

# Get the atmosphere model used for the mission
atmosphere = mission.AtmosphereModel
# Let's use the mission model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource.eMissionModel
# Get the basic atmosphere options
basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic
# Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel.eStandard1976
# Opt to override the values
basicAtmosphere.UseNonStandardAtmosphere = True
# Override the temperature
basicAtmosphere.Temperature = 290

Configure the weather and atmosphere of the Mission
% IAgAvtrMission mission: Aviator Mission object
% Get the wind model used for the mission
windModel = mission.WindModel;
% Let's use the mission model
windModel.WindModelSource = 'eMissionModel';
% Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = 'eConstantWind';
% Get the constant wind model options
constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant;
% Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30;
% Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5;

% Get the atmosphere model used for the mission
atmosphere = mission.AtmosphereModel;
% Let's use the mission model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = 'eMissionModel';
% Get the basic atmosphere options
basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic;
% Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = 'eStandard1976';
% Opt to override the values
basicAtmosphere.UseNonStandardAtmosphere = 1;
% Override the temperature
basicAtmosphere.Temperature = 290;

Configure the wind and atmosphere for a procedure
% IAgAvtrProcedure procedure: Procedure object
% Get the wind model for the procedure
windModel = procedure.WindModel;
% Use the procedure model
windModel.WindModelSource = 'eProcedureModel';
% Let's use constant wind
windModel.WindModelType = 'eConstantWind';
% Get the constant wind model options
constantWind = windModel.ModeAsConstant;
% Set the wind bearing
constantWind.WindBearing = 30;
% Set the wind speed
constantWind.WindSpeed = 5;

% Get the atmosphere model used for the procedure
atmosphere = procedure.AtmosphereModel;
% Let's use the procedure model
atmosphere.AtmosphereModelSource = 'eProcedureModel';
% Get the basic atmosphere options
basicAtmosphere = atmosphere.ModeAsBasic;
% Use standard 1976 atmosphere
basicAtmosphere.BasicModelType = 'eStandard1976';

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