STK Aviator MATLABSend comments on this topic.
Project Overview


Object Model components to support the MATLAB strategies found in the Basic Maneuver Procedure. MATLAB strategies allow the users to utilize MATLAB Aerospace Toolbox functions to define the force modeling of the aircraft.


AgAvtrBasicManeuverMATLABFactoryClass defining the factory to create the basic maneuver PropNav strategies.
AgAvtrStrategyMATLAB3DGuidanceClass defining the MATLAB - 3D Guidance strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrStrategyMATLABFull3DClass defining the MATLAB - Full 3D strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrStrategyMATLABNavClass defining the MATLAB - Horizontal Plane strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrStrategyMATLABProfileClass defining the MATLAB - Vertical Plane strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.


IAgAvtrStrategyMATLAB3DGuidanceInterface used to access options for a MATLAB - 3D Guidance Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrStrategyMATLABFull3DInterface used to access options for a MATLAB - Full 3D Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrStrategyMATLABNavInterface used to access options for a MATLAB - Horizontal Plane Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrStrategyMATLABProfileInterface used to access options for a MATLAB - Vertical Plane Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
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