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AgEVAAttitudeControl Enumeration
See Also


Attitude Control options.


eVAAttitudeControlVelocityVector0Along Velocity Vector (impulsive/finite) - the total thrust vector is aligned with the spacecraft's velocity vector.
eVAAttitudeControlAntiVelocityVector1Anti-Velocity Vector (impulsive/finite) - the total thrust vector is opposite to the spacecraft's velocity vector.
eVAAttitudeControlAttitude2Attitude (impulsive/finite) - the thrust vector direction is defined using Euler Angles or a Quaternion.
eVAAttitudeControlFile3File (impulsive/finite) - uses an attitude file to set the thrust vector direction.
eVAAttitudeControlThrustVector4Thrust Vector (impulsive/finite) - the total thrust vector is explicitly specified in Cartesian or spherical form with respect to the thrust axes.
eVAAttitudeControlPlugin5Plugin (finite) - thrust vector direction is defined using a COM plugin.
eVAAttitudeControlTimeVarying6Time Varying (finite) - polynomial and sine representations for the azimuth and elevation of the thrust vector.
eVAAttitudeControlLagrangeInterpolation7Lagrange Interpolation (optimal finite, always set) - supports the 'Run current nodes' execution mode of the Optimal Finite Maneuver.
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