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AgEVAAttitudeUpdate Enumeration
See Also


Attitude Update.


eVAAttitudeUpdateDuringBurn0Update during burn - updated throughout the maneuver so as to maintain the required thrust direction. This forces the thrust vector to the specified direction at every instant throughout the burn. The thrust vector therefore rotates with the specified coordinate system (in case the Thrust Vector option is chosen) or tracks with the spacecraft's inertial velocity vector (if the Along Velocity or Anti-Velocity Vector option is chosen).
eVAAttitudeUpdateInertialAtIgnition1Inertial at ignition - specified by Attitude Control at ignition and remains the same throughout the maneuver. This fixes the thrust direction in the inertial direction calculated at the beginning of the burn and is used for inertially fixed spacecraft.
eVAAttitudeUpdateInertialAtStart2Inertial at start - specified by Attitude Control at the beginning of the maneuver segment and remains the same throughout the maneuver. This fixes the thrust direction in the inertial direction calculated at the beginning of the segment and is used for inertially fixed spacecraft. The beginning of the segment may be different than ignition if burn centering is used. The segment start is always the same as the end of the previous segment. Ignition refers to the time that the engine starts firing.
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