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AgEVAControlManeuver Enumeration
See Also


Maneuver segment properties that can be selected as control parameters for a Target Sequence.


eVAControlManeuverFiniteCartesianX400The Cartesian X component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteCartesianY401The Cartesian Y component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteCartesianZ402The Cartesian Z component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteEulerAngles1403The Euler A (Phi) component of the rotation from the reference axes to the body frame.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteEulerAngles2404The Euler B (Theta) component of the rotation from the reference axes to the body frame.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteEulerAngles3405The Euler C (Psi) component of the rotation from the reference axes to the body frame.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteSphericalAz406The spherical azimuth component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteSphericalElev407The spherical elevation component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveCartesianX408The Cartesian X component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveCartesianY409The Cartesian Y component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveCartesianZ410The Cartesian Z component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveEulerAngles1411The Euler A (Phi) component of the rotation from the reference axes to the body frame.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveEulerAngles2412The Euler B (Theta) component of the rotation from the reference axes to the body frame.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveEulerAngles3413The Euler C (Psi) component of the rotation from the reference axes to the body frame.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveSphericalAz414The spherical azimuth component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveSphericalElev415The spherical elevation component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverImpulsiveSphericalMag416The spherical magnitude component of the thrust vector.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteBurnCenterBias417The burn center bias of the thrust.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteThrustEfficiency418The thrust efficiency value.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteAz0419The time varying azimuth polynomial constant term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteAz1420The time varying azimuth polynomial linear term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteAz2421The time varying azimuth polynomial quadratic term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteAz3422The time varying azimuth polynomial cubic term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteAz4423The time varying azimuth polynomial quartic term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteAzA424The time varying azimuth sine amplitude term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteAzF425The time varying azimuth sine frequency term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteAzP426The time varying azimuth sine phase term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteEl0427The time varying elevation polynomial constant term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteEl1428The time varying elevation polynomial linear term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteEl2429The time varying elevation polynomial quadratic term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteEl3430The time varying elevation polynomial cubic term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteEl4431The time varying elevation polynomial quartic term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteElA432The time varying elevation sine amplitude term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteElF433The time varying elevation sine frequency term.
eVAControlManeuverFiniteElP434The time varying elevation sine phase term.
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