Types of orbit element sets.
Member | Value | Description |
eVAElementTypeCartesian | 0 | Cartesian - specifying an orbit by three position elements and three velocity elements in a rectangular coordinate system. |
eVAElementTypeKeplerian | 1 | Keplerian - the classical system, specifying an orbit by six elements describing its size, shape and three-dimensional orientation in space. |
eVAElementTypeSpherical | 3 | Spherical - a system in which positions are specified as a radial distance from the origin and two angles relative to a fundamental plane. |
eVAElementTypeTargetVectorIncomingAsymptote | 4 | Target Vector Incoming Asymptote - used for hyperbolic arrival trajectories. |
eVAElementTypeTargetVectorOutgoingAsymptote | 5 | Target Vector Outgoing Asymptote - used for hyperbolic departure trajectories. |
eVAElementTypeMixedSpherical | 6 | Mixed Spherical. |
eVAElementTypeDelaunay | 7 | Delaunay. |
eVAElementTypeEquinoctial | 8 | Equinoctial. |
eVAElementTypeGeodetic | 9 | Geodetic. |
eVAElementTypeBPlane | 10 | BPlane. |
eVAElementTypeSphericalRangeRate | 11 | Spherical Range Rate. |