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AgEVAFollowJoin Enumeration
See Also


Joining options for the Follow segment.


eVAFollowJoinSpecify0Specify Joining Conditions - specify joining conditions to define when the spacecraft will begin to follow the leader. Joining conditions will become apparent on a new tab - Joining.
eVAFollowJoinAtBeginning1Join at Beginning of Leader's Ephemeris - the spacecraft will follow the leader from the beginning of the leader's ephemeris.
eVAFollowJoinAtEnd2Join at End of Leader's Ephemeris - the spacecraft will use the leader's final ephemeris point as the initial and final state of the Follow segment; the separation parameter will automatically be set to 'Separate at End of Leader's Ephemeris'.
eVAFollowJoinAtFinalEpochOfPreviousSeg3Join at Final Epoch of Previous Segment - the spacecraft will follow the leader from the final epoch at the end of the previous segment.
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