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AgEVAManeuverType Enumeration
See Also


Maneuver types for the maneuver segment.


eVAManeuverTypeImpulsive0Impulsive - calculates a state by adding the defined delta-V vector to the velocity of the final state of the previous segment, adds this new state to the ephemeris, and passes it to the next segment.
eVAManeuverTypeFinite1Finite - effectively a Propagate segment with thrust. It uses the defined propagator to propagate the state, accounting for the acceleration due to thrust. The magnitude of the thrust vector is specified by the maneuver's engine model; the direction of the thrust vector is specified by the maneuver's attitude control. Like Propagate segments, each point calculated by the propagator is added to the ephemeris, and propagation continues until a stopping condition is met. Once a condition is met, Astrogator then finds the exact point, within tolerance, where the stopping condition is satisfied. From that point, the segment either executes an autosequence or stops the propagation and passes the state at that point to the next segment.
eVAManeuverTypeOptimalFinite2Optimal Finite.
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