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IAgVAAttitudeControl Interface


Properties for attitude options for a maneuver segment.

Public Properties

Public Property BodyAxisBody Axis - whether the engine acceleration (the direction opposite the engine's exhaust) is aligned with positive or negative X, Y or Z body axis. If an engine model is being used instead of a thruster set, use this option to select the direction of the engine. To specify a direction other than along a body axis, use a thruster set.
Public Property ConstraintSignWhether the Constraint Vector is positive or negative.
Public Property ConstraintVectorNameConstraint Vector - the vector toward which this body vector is constrained.
Public Property CustomFunctionGets or sets the attitude definition to use for other STK functions.
Public Property LeadDurationHow long before the maneuver starts the maneuver attitude. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property TrailDurationHow long to maintain that attitude after the maneuver. Uses Time Dimension.

CoClasses that Implement IAgVAAttitudeControl

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