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IAgVACbEphemerisAnalyticOrbit Interface


Properties for the Analytic Orbit ephemeris source.

Public Properties

Public Property ArgOfPeriapsisGets or sets the argument of periapsis; The angle measured in direction of the body's orbital motion, and in the orbit plane, from the ascending node to the periapsis of the orbit. Uses Angle Dimension.
Public Property ArgOfPeriapsisRateGets or sets the argument of periapsis rate of change. Uses AngleRate Dimension.
Public Property EccentricityGets or sets the eccentricity; the ratio of the distance between the two foci of the ellipse and its major axis. Dimensionless.
Public Property EccentricityRateGets or sets the eccentricity rate of change. Dimensionless.
Public Property EpochGets or sets the epoch. Dimensionless.
Public Property InclinationGets or sets the inclination; the angle from the Z axis of the inertial coordinate system to the orbit angular velocity vector. Uses Angle Dimension.
Public Property InclinationRateGets or sets the inclination rate of change. Uses AngleRate Dimension.
Public Property MeanLongitudeGets or sets the mean longitude; the sum of the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node, the Argument of Periapsis and the Mean Anomaly. Uses Angle Dimension.
Public Property MeanLongitudeRateGets or sets the mean longitude rate of change. Uses AngleRate Dimension.
Public Property RAANGets or sets the right ascension; the angle from the X axis of the inertial coordinate system to the point where the orbit crosses the X-Y plane in the +Z direction. Uses Angle Dimension.
Public Property RAANRateGets or sets the right ascension rate of change. Uses AngleRate Dimension.
Public Property SemiMajorAxisGets or sets the semi-major axis; one-half the distance along the long axis of the elliptical orbit. Uses Distance Dimension.
Public Property SemiMajorAxisRateGets or sets the semi-major axis rate of change. Uses Rate Dimension.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgVACbEphemerisAnalyticOrbit

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