Properties for the Analytic Orbit ephemeris source.
ArgOfPeriapsis | Gets or sets the argument of periapsis; The angle measured in direction of the body's orbital motion, and in the orbit plane, from the ascending node to the periapsis of the orbit. Uses Angle Dimension. |
ArgOfPeriapsisRate | Gets or sets the argument of periapsis rate of change. Uses AngleRate Dimension. |
Eccentricity | Gets or sets the eccentricity; the ratio of the distance between the two foci of the ellipse and its major axis. Dimensionless. |
EccentricityRate | Gets or sets the eccentricity rate of change. Dimensionless. |
Epoch | Gets or sets the epoch. Dimensionless. |
Inclination | Gets or sets the inclination; the angle from the Z axis of the inertial coordinate system to the orbit angular velocity vector. Uses Angle Dimension. |
InclinationRate | Gets or sets the inclination rate of change. Uses AngleRate Dimension. |
MeanLongitude | Gets or sets the mean longitude; the sum of the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node, the Argument of Periapsis and the Mean Anomaly. Uses Angle Dimension. |
MeanLongitudeRate | Gets or sets the mean longitude rate of change. Uses AngleRate Dimension. |
RAAN | Gets or sets the right ascension; the angle from the X axis of the inertial coordinate system to the point where the orbit crosses the X-Y plane in the +Z direction. Uses Angle Dimension. |
RAANRate | Gets or sets the right ascension rate of change. Uses AngleRate Dimension. |
SemiMajorAxis | Gets or sets the semi-major axis; one-half the distance along the long axis of the elliptical orbit. Uses Distance Dimension. |
SemiMajorAxisRate | Gets or sets the semi-major axis rate of change. Uses Rate Dimension. |
Implemented Interface |
IAgVACbEphemeris |