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IAgVADriverMCS Interface


Properties for the Mission Control Sequence.

Public Methods

Public Method AppendRunAppend the existing ephemeris with another individual segment mode run.
Public Method AppendRunFromStateAppend the existing ephemeris with another individual segment mode run, starting at a specified state. Ephemeris is cleared from time based on clear direction.
Public Method AppendRunFromTimeAppend the existing ephemeris with another individual segment mode run, starting at a specified time. Ephemeris is cleared from time based on clear direction.
Public Method ApplyAllProfileChangesApplies all active profile changes in all target sequences.
Public Method BeginRunBegins an individual segment mode run.
Public Method ClearDWCGraphicsClears the draw while calculating graphics.
Public Method EndRunEnds an individual segment mode run.
Public Method ResetAllProfilesResets all active profiles in all target sequences.
Public Method RunMCSRuns the current MCS.
Public Method RunMCS2Runs the current MCS and returns an error code.

Public Properties

Public Property AutoSequenceGet the Automatic Sequences.
Public Property CalculationGraphsGet the calculation graphs.
Public Property MainSequenceGet the Mission Control Sequence.
Public Property OptionsGet the Mission Control Sequence options.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgVADriverMCS


Configure the Astrogrator propagator

IAgVADriverMCS driver = satellite.Propagator as IAgVADriverMCS;

// Remove if necessary
// Configure properties as necessarily
driver.Options.DrawTrajectoryIn3D = true;
driver.Options.GraphicsUpdateRate = 0.90;
driver.Options.UpdateAnimationTimeForAllObjects = false;
driver.Options.StoppingConditionTimeTolerance = 0.00000005;
driver.Options.EnableLogging = true;
Configure the Astrogrator propagator
[Visual Basic .NET]

Dim driver As IAgVADriverMCS = TryCast(satellite.Propagator, IAgVADriverMCS)

' Remove if necessary

' Configure properties as necessarily
driver.Options.DrawTrajectoryIn3D = True
driver.Options.GraphicsUpdateRate = 0.9
driver.Options.UpdateAnimationTimeForAllObjects = False
driver.Options.StoppingConditionTimeTolerance = 5E-08
driver.Options.EnableLogging = True
Set satellite propagator to Astrogator and clear segments
[Python - STK API]
# IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
driver = satellite.Propagator
# Clear all segments from the MCS

Run the Astrogator MCS
[Python - STK API]
# IAgVADriverMCS driver: MCS driver interface

Set satellite propagator to Astrogator and clear segments
% IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
driver = satellite.Propagator;
% Clear all segments from the MCS

Run the Astrogator MCS
% IAgVADriverMCS driver: MCS driver interface

Create a new component through the Component Browser
% IAgVADriverMCS driver: MCS driver interface
% IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
% Get the Prop Funct Folder
compBrowser = scenario.ComponentDirectory.GetComponents('eComponentAstrogator').GetFolder('Propagator Functions');
% Get the Atmospheric Models Folder
atmos = compBrowser.GetFolder('Atmospheric Models');
% Grab the Mars Exponential Model
mars = atmos.Item('Exponential - Mars');
% Make a copy of the Model to Edit it
marsClone = mars.CloneObject;

% Grab a handle of the new Mars Model and edit properties
newMars = atmos.Item('Exponential - Mars1');
newMars.Name = 'New Mars';
newMars.ReferenceAltitude = 0; % km
newMars.ReferenceDensity = 20000000; % kg/km^3
newMars.ScaleAltitude = 11.1; % km

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