CentralBodyName | Get the name of the central body. |
Degree | Gets or sets the degree of geopotential coefficients to be included for Central Body gravity computations. Valid range is from 0 to 90, depending on the gravity model. Dimensionless. |
GravityFilename | Gets or sets the name of the file containing the gravity field. |
IncludeTimeDependentSolidTides | True if including time dependent solid tides. |
MaxDegreeText | Displays the maximum degree permissible for the gravity model. |
MaxOrderText | Displays the maximum order permissible for the gravity model. |
MaxPartialsDegreeText | Displays the maximum degree permissible for the gravity model partials used in the STM. |
MaxPartialsOrderText | Displays the maximum order permissible for the gravity model partials used in the STM. |
MinRadiusPercent | Gets or sets the percentage of the central body's minimum radius at which a modified force model (only the two-body force) will be used - provided there is no altitude stopping condition. Uses Percent Dimension. |
OceanTideMaxDegree | Gets or sets the maximum degree for force contributions from ocean tides that will be included in the computation. Dimensionless. |
OceanTideMaxOrder | Gets or sets the maximum order for force contributions from ocean tides that will be included in the computation. Dimensionless. |
OceanTideMinAmp | Gets or sets the minimum amplitude for ocean tides; contributors that are below the minimum amplitude will not be factored into the computation. Uses SmallDistance Dimension. |
Order | Gets or sets the order of geopotential coefficients to be included for Central Body gravity computations. Valid range is from 0 to 90, depending on the gravity model. Dimensionless. |
PartialsDegree | Gets or sets the degree of geopotential coefficients to be included for Central Body gravity state transition matrix computations. Valid range is from 0 to 90, depending on the gravity model and the degree used for state computations. Dimensionless. |
PartialsOrder | Gets or sets the order of geopotential coefficients to be included for Central Body gravity state transition matrix computations. Valid range is from 0 to 90, depending on the gravity model and the order used for state computations. Dimensionless. |
SolidTideMinAmp | Gets or sets the minimum amplitude for solid tides; contributors that are below the minimum amplitude will not be factored into the computation. Uses SmallDistance Dimension. |
SolidTideType | Gets or sets the type of solid tide contribution to be modeled. |
TruncateSolidTides | True if solid tide terms (including permanent tide) won't be included beyond the degree and order selected for the gravity model. |
UseOceanTides | True if using ocean tides. |
UseSecularVariations | Opt whether to include or ignore secular variations defined by the gravity field model. |