Properties for a Launch segment.
DisableControlParameter | Disables the specified control parameter. |
EnableControlParameter | Enables the specified control parameter. |
IsControlParameterEnabled | Sees if the specified control is enabled. |
SetBurnoutType | Sets the burnout type. |
SetDisplaySystemType | Sets the display system type. |
AscentType | Gets or sets the order of the spline used to generate the motion along the ellipse. |
Burnout | Get the burnout point definition. |
BurnoutType | Get the burnout type. |
BurnoutVelocity | Get the burnout velocity definition. |
CentralBodyName | Gets or sets the central body. |
ControlParametersAvailable | Returns whether or not the control parameters can be set. |
DisplaySystem | Gets the current Display System. |
DisplaySystemType | Get the launch coordinate type. |
Epoch | Gets or sets the date and time of the launch. Uses DateFormat Dimension. |
FuelTank | Get the spacecraft's fuel tank properties. |
InitialAcceleration | Gets or sets the initial acceleration, for the Quartic Motion Ascent Type. Uses Acceleration Dimension. |
PreLaunchTime | Gets or sets the amount of time before the spacecraft's launch that it will be created in the scenario. The vehicle will remain at the launch position until beginning of the launch epoch. Uses Time Dimension. |
SetMetEpoch | If true, the Mission Elapsed Time epoch will be set to the launch epoch. |
SpacecraftParameters | Satellite Properties - the spacecraft's physical properties. |
StepSize | Gets or sets the time interval between calculated ephemeris output points. Uses Time Dimension. |
TimeOfFlight | Gets or sets the time of flight (the time from launch to burnout). Uses Time Dimension. |
UsePreviousSegmentState | If true, the previous segment state is used to define the launch location parameters. |
UserVariables | Interface used to modify user variables for the launch segment. |
Implemented Interface |
IAgVAMCSSegment |
IAgComponentInfo |
IAgCloneable |
Name |
AgVAMCSLaunch |
Configure launch segment
[C#] | ||
Configure launch segment
[Visual Basic .NET] | ||