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IAgVAMCSPropagate Interface


Properties for a Propagate segment.

Public Methods

Public Method DisableControlParameterDisables the specified control parameter.
Public Method EnableControlParameterEnables or disables the specified control parameter.
Public Method IsControlParameterEnabledSees if the specified control is enabled.

Public Properties

Public Property ControlParametersAvailableReturns whether or not the control parameters can be set.
Public Property EnableMaxPropagationTimeIf true, the maximum propagation time is enforced.
Public Property EnableWarningMessageIf true, Astrogator will issue a warning message if propagation is stopped by the Maximum Propagation Time parameter.
Public Property MaxPropagationTimeGets or sets the maximum propagation time, after which the segment will end regardless of whether the stopping conditions have been satisfied. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property MinPropagationTimeGets or sets the minimum time that must elapse from the beginning of the segment until Astrogator will begin checking stopping conditions for satisfaction. Uses Time Dimension.
Public Property OverrideMaxPropagationTimeOverride Maximum Propagation Time - if there is a duration or epoch stopping condition that occurs after the maximum propagation time, ignore the maximum propagation time.
Public Property PropagatorNameGets or sets the propagator.
Public Property ShouldReinitializeSTMAtStartOfSegmentPropagationIf this segment is propagating the state transition matrix, reset it to the identity matrix at the start of the segment.
Public Property ShouldStopForInitiallySurpassedEpochStoppingConditionsStop immediately if propagation begins beyond an active epoch stopping condition.
Public Property StoppingConditionsGet the list of stopping conditions defined for the segment.


CoClasses that Implement IAgVAMCSPropagate


Configure propagate segment
// Add a propagate segment to our sequence
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypePropagate, "Propagate", "-");
IAgVAMCSPropagate propagate = segment as IAgVAMCSPropagate;
propagate.PropagatorName = "Earth Point Mass";

// Configure propagtor advanced properties
propagate.MinPropagationTime = 0;
propagate.EnableMaxPropagationTime = true;
propagate.MaxPropagationTime = 72000000;
propagate.EnableWarningMessage = true;

// Configure stopping conditions
IAgVAStoppingCondition duration = propagate.StoppingConditions["Duration"].Properties as IAgVAStoppingCondition;
duration.Trip = 7200;
duration.Tolerance = 0.00001;

// Add any addition stopping conditions
IAgVAStoppingCondition lightning = propagate.StoppingConditions.Add("Lighting") as IAgVAStoppingCondition;
Configure propagate segment
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Add a propagate segment to our sequence
Dim segment As IAgVAMCSSegment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypePropagate, "Propagate", "-")
Dim propagate As IAgVAMCSPropagate = TryCast(segment, IAgVAMCSPropagate)
propagate.PropagatorName = "Earth Point Mass"

' Configure propagtor advanced properties
propagate.MinPropagationTime = 0
propagate.EnableMaxPropagationTime = True
propagate.MaxPropagationTime = 72000000
propagate.EnableWarningMessage = True

' Configure stopping conditions
Dim duration As IAgVAStoppingCondition = TryCast(propagate.StoppingConditions("Duration").Properties, IAgVAStoppingCondition)
duration.Trip = 7200
duration.Tolerance = 1E-05

' Add any addition stopping conditions
Dim lightning As IAgVAStoppingCondition = TryCast(propagate.StoppingConditions.Add("Lighting"), IAgVAStoppingCondition)
Insert a Propagate State Segment into the MCS and configure
% IAgVADriverMCS driver: MCS driver interface
propagate = driver.MainSequence.Insert('eVASegmentTypePropagate', 'Propagate', '-');
propagate.PropagatorName = 'Earth Point Mass';
propagate.Properties.Color = 16711680;  % Blue
propagate.StoppingConditions.Item('Duration').Properties.Trip = 7200;

Insert a Propagate State Segment into the MCS and Add/Remove Stopping Conditions
% IAgVADriverMCS driver: MCS driver interface
transferEllipse = driver.MainSequence.Insert('eVASegmentTypePropagate', 'Transfer Ellipse', '-');

transferEllipse.Properties.Color = 255; % Red
transferEllipse.PropagatorName = 'Earth Point Mass';

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