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IAgVAMCSTargetSequence Interface


General properties of a TargetSequence segment.

Public Methods

Public Method ApplyProfileApply Changes - applies the current values of specified profile to the segments within the target sequence.
Public Method ApplyProfileByNameApply Changes - applies the current values of specified profile to the segments within the target sequence.
Public Method ApplyProfilesApply Changes - applies the current values of search profiles' controls and the changes specified by the segment configuration profiles to the segments within the target sequence.
Public Method ResetProfileReset - resets the current values of specified profile.
Public Method ResetProfileByNameReset - resets the current values of specified profile.
Public Method ResetProfilesReset - resets the controls of the search profiles to the segments' values.

Public Properties

Public Property ActionWhether to run the sequence nominally or using profiles.
Public Property ContinueOnFailureContinue if profiles don't converge - if true, the target sequence continues if a profile fails to converge; otherwise, the MCS will stop upon the failure of a search profile.
Public Property ProfilesReturns the profiles used within the target sequence.
Public Property ResetInnerTargetersIf true, inner target sequences will have their profiles reset before each run.
Public Property SegmentsReturns the segments contained within the target sequence.
Public Property WhenProfilesFinishWhen Profiles Converge - the action to be carried out if targeting has converged.


CoClasses that Implement IAgVAMCSTargetSequence


Configure target sequence segment
// First add a sequence target
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeTargetSequence, "Start Transfer", "-");
IAgVAMCSTargetSequence targetSequence = segment as IAgVAMCSTargetSequence;

targetSequence.Action = AgEVATargetSeqAction.eVATargetSeqActionRunActiveProfiles;
targetSequence.WhenProfilesFinish = AgEVAProfilesFinish.eVAProfilesFinishRunToReturnAndContinue;
targetSequence.ContinueOnFailure = false;

// Add as many child segments to target
IAgVAMCSManeuver dv1 = targetSequence.Segments.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeManeuver, "DV1", "-") as IAgVAMCSManeuver;
IAgVAMCSManeuver dv2 = targetSequence.Segments.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeManeuver, "DV2", "-") as IAgVAMCSManeuver;

// Add more profiles if necessary
string profileName = "Change Maneuver Type";
if (Array.IndexOf(targetSequence.Profiles.AvailableProfiles, profileName) != -1)
    IAgVAProfile newProfile = targetSequence.Profiles.Add(profileName);

// Enable controls
IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector dc = targetSequence.Profiles["Differential Corrector"] as IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector;
IAgVADCControl controlParam = dc.ControlParameters.GetControlByPaths("DV1", "ImpulsiveMnvr.Cartesian.X");
controlParam.Enable = true;
controlParam.MaxStep = 0.3;

// Enable results
IAgVADCResult roaResult = dc.Results.GetResultByPaths("DV1", "Epoch");
roaResult.Enable = true;

// Confiure the differential corrector
dc.MaxIterations = 50;
dc.EnableDisplayStatus = true;
dc.Mode = AgEVAProfileMode.eVAProfileModeIterate;
targetSequence.Action = AgEVATargetSeqAction.eVATargetSeqActionRunActiveProfiles;
Configure target sequence segment
[Visual Basic .NET]
' First add a sequence target
Dim segment As IAgVAMCSSegment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeTargetSequence, "Start Transfer", "-")
Dim targetSequence As IAgVAMCSTargetSequence = TryCast(segment, IAgVAMCSTargetSequence)

targetSequence.Action = AgEVATargetSeqAction.eVATargetSeqActionRunActiveProfiles
targetSequence.WhenProfilesFinish = AgEVAProfilesFinish.eVAProfilesFinishRunToReturnAndContinue
targetSequence.ContinueOnFailure = False

' Add as many child segments to target
Dim dv1 As IAgVAMCSManeuver = TryCast(targetSequence.Segments.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeManeuver, "DV1", "-"), IAgVAMCSManeuver)
Dim dv2 As IAgVAMCSManeuver = TryCast(targetSequence.Segments.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeManeuver, "DV2", "-"), IAgVAMCSManeuver)

' Add more profiles if necessary
Dim profileName As String = "Change Maneuver Type"
If Array.IndexOf(targetSequence.Profiles.AvailableProfiles, profileName) <> -1 Then
	Dim newProfile As IAgVAProfile = targetSequence.Profiles.Add(profileName)
End If

' Enable controls
Dim dc As IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector = TryCast(targetSequence.Profiles("Differential Corrector"), IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector)
Dim controlParam As IAgVADCControl = dc.ControlParameters.GetControlByPaths("DV1", "ImpulsiveMnvr.Cartesian.X")
controlParam.Enable = True
controlParam.MaxStep = 0.3

' Enable results
DirectCast(dv1, IAgVAMCSSegment).Results.Add("Epoch")
Dim roaResult As IAgVADCResult = dc.Results.GetResultByPaths("DV1", "Epoch")
roaResult.Enable = True

' Confiure the differential corrector
dc.MaxIterations = 50
dc.EnableDisplayStatus = True
dc.Mode = AgEVAProfileMode.eVAProfileModeIterate
targetSequence.Action = AgEVATargetSeqAction.eVATargetSeqActionRunActiveProfiles
Insert a Target Sequence Segment into the MCS and configure
% IAgVADriverMCS driver: MCS driver interface
ts = driver.MainSequence.Insert('eVASegmentTypeTargetSequence', 'Start Transfer', '-');
dv1 = ts.Segments.Insert('eVASegmentTypeManeuver', 'DV1', '-');
% Insert maneuver into target sequence and target thrust vector
impulsive = dv1.Maneuver;
thrustVector = impulsive.AttitudeControl;
thrustVector.ThrustAxesName = 'Satellite/MySatellite VNC(Earth)';
dv1.Results.Add('Keplerian Elems/Radius of Apoapsis');
% Handle to differential corrector profile
dc = ts.Profiles.Item('Differential Corrector');
% Set up control parameter
xControlParam = dc.ControlParameters.GetControlByPaths('DV1', 'ImpulsiveMnvr.Cartesian.X');
xControlParam.Enable = true;
xControlParam.MaxStep = 0.3;
% Set up result for control parameter
roaResult = dc.Results.GetResultByPaths('DV1', 'Radius Of Apoapsis');
roaResult.Enable = true;
roaResult.DesiredValue = 42238;
roaResult.Tolerance = 0.1;

dc.MaxIterations = 50;
ts.Action = 'eVATargetSeqActionRunActiveProfiles';

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