Thrust Efficiency - the thrust efficiency value. Any number above zero is valid, with typical values around 0.98 to 1.02. a value of 1.0 means 'perfect' or 'nominal' behavior. a value of 0.98 would be termed a '2% cold' burn, while a value of 1.02 would be a '2% hot' burn. A value greater than 1.0 means the engine has performed better than expected. Dimensionless.
Read-write property
[Visual Basic .NET] |
Public Property ThrustEfficiency() As Double |
[C#] |
public double ThrustEfficiency {get; set;} |
[Managed C++] |
public: __property double get_ThrustEfficiency(); |
[Unmanaged C++] |
public: HRESULT get_ThrustEfficiency( double * pVal ); public: HRESULT put_ThrustEfficiency( double newVal ); |
[Java] |
public double getThrustEfficiency(); public void setThrustEfficiency( double ); |