Engine properties for a Optimal Finite Maneuver.
ExportNodes | Exports the current set of collocation nodes to a file. |
RunSeed | Run seed. |
DiscretizationStrategy | Discretization Strategy. |
EnableUnitVectorControls | Enable unit vector for thrust direction. |
ExportFormat | Format for exporting collocation control variables. |
FinalBoundaryConditions | Final Boundary Conditions. |
HaltMCSWhenNoConvergence | Halt MCS and discard result if optimization is unsuccessful. |
InitialBoundaryConditions | Initial Boundary Conditions. |
InitialGuessFileName | File containing ephemeris for nodes that serve as an initial guess. |
InitialGuessInterpolationMethod | Guess interpolation method. |
LogFileName | Log file name for optimal finite maneuver. |
NodeStatusMessage | A message that indicates what nodes are currently held by the segment. |
NumberOfNodes | Number of nodes to discretize collocation problem into. |
PathBoundaryConditions | Path Boundary Conditions. |
PressureMode | Gets or sets the pressure mode. |
RunMode | Run mode. |
ScalingOptions | Scaling Options. |
SeedMethod | Initial seed method. |
ShouldReinitializeSTMAtStartOfSegmentPropagation | If this segment is propagating the state transition matrix, reset it to the identity matrix at the start of the segment. |
SNOPTOptimizer | SNOPT Optimizer Options. |
SteeringNodes | Get the list of steering nodes. |
ThrustAxes | Label reflecting coordinate axes for the thrust vector. |
ThrustEfficiency | Gets or sets the fraction of ideal thrust applied. Any number above zero is valid, with typical values around 0.98 to 1.02. Dimensionless. |
ThrustEfficiencyMode | Thrust - the calculations that are effected by the thrust efficiency value. |
WorkingVariables | Working Variables. |
Implemented Interface |
IAgVAManeuver |