Properties of SNOPT Optimizer options for optimal finite maneuver.
AllowInternalPrimalInfeasibilityMeasureNormalization | Whether to allow internal normalization of the primal infeasibility measure. |
MaxMajorIterations | Gets or sets the maximum number of major iterations allowed. |
MaxMinorIterations | Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations for the QP subproblem allowed during a single major iteration. |
Objective | Objective. |
OptionsFilename | If used, the associated SNOPT specifications file may define any of the various SNOPT options. Options in the file that conflict with options specified elsewhere will take precedence. |
ProvideRuntimeTypeInfo | Returns the IAgRuntimeTypeInfo interface to access properties at runtime. |
SNOPTScaling | SNOPT scaling option. |
ToleranceOnMajorFeasibility | Specifies how accurately the nonlinear constraints should be satisfied. |
ToleranceOnMajorOptimality | Specifies the final accuracy of the dual variables. |
ToleranceOnMinorFeasibility | Gets or sets the tolerance which the QP subproblem must meet before being considered feasible. |
UseConsoleMonitor | Whether to use the out-of-process console monitor for the optimizer. |