The elements of the steering node.
Azimuth | Get the azimuth of the steering angle. |
DirCosX | Get the first component of the steering unit vector. |
DirCosY | Get the second component of the steering unit vector. |
DirCosZ | Get the third component of the steering unit vector. |
Elevation | Get the elevation of the steering angle. |
Mass | Get the mass at the node. |
NodeIndex | Get the index of the node in the array of nodes. |
PosX | Get the X component of the position vector. |
PosY | Get the Y component of the position vector. |
PosZ | Get the Z component of the position vector. |
Time | Get the time associated with the node. |
VelX | Get the X component of the velocity vector. |
VelY | Get the Y component of the velocity vector. |
VelZ | Get the Z component of the velocity vector. |