Properties for a list of target sequence profiles.
Add | Adds a profile. |
Add2 | Adds a profile. |
Cut | Copies the profile into the clipboard and removes profile from the list. |
GetItemByIndex | Retrieves a profile from the collection by index. |
GetItemByName | Retrieves a profile from the collection by name. |
InsertCopy | Copies the profile and inserts the copy into the list. |
Paste | Pastes the profile from the clipboard and inserts into the list. |
Remove | Removes an item from the profile collection. |
RemoveAll | Removes all profiles from the profile collection. |
AvailableProfiles | Returns a list of available profiles. |
Count | Returns the size of the collection. |
Item | Allows you to iterate through the collection. |
ProvideRuntimeTypeInfo | Returns the IAgRuntimeTypeInfo interface to access properties at runtime. |
Implemented Interface |