ClearCorrectionsBeforeRun | Clear Corrections Before Each Run - if true, the differential corrector is automatically reset each time that it is run, discarding information that was computed the last time it was run. |
ControlParameters | Get the list of control parameters defined for the profile. |
ConvergenceCriteria | Gets or sets the convergence criteria. |
DerivativeCalcMethod | Gets or sets the derivative calculation method. |
DrawPerturbation | Defines the display of perturbations in the 2D and 3D Graphics windows, if you have set Astrogator to draw while calculating. |
EnableBPlaneNominal | If true, Astrogator will update the display of B-Planes for the nominal run of each iteration during the targeting process. |
EnableBPlanePerturbations | If true, Astrogator will update the display of B-Planes for both of the perturbations of each iteration during the targeting process. |
EnableDisplayStatus | If true, a page will appear during the targeting run to report the status of the targeting effort in terms of proximity to the desired value for each dependent variable in the profile. |
EnableHomotopy | If true, the profile will divide the problem into steps to solve it. |
EnableLineSearch | If true, the profile will perform a line search. |
HomotopySteps | Gets or sets the number of steps to divide a problem into for a homotopic calculation. Dimensionless - . |
LineSearchLowerBound | Gets or sets the low boundary for the line search. Dimensionless. |
LineSearchTolerance | Gets or sets the tolerance for the line search. Dimensionless. |
LineSearchUpperBound | Gets or sets the high boundary for the line search. Dimensionless. |
MaxIterations | Gets or sets the number of complete iterations of the profile to try before stopping. Dimensionless. |
MaxLineSearchIterations | Gets or sets the number of line search iterations to try before stopping. Dimensionless. |
NumIterations | Get the number of iterations of the last run. |
Results | Get the list of results defined for the profile. |
RootFindingAlgorithm | Gets or sets the root-finding algorithm to use. |
ScriptingTool | Returns the Scripting tool for the sequence. |
StopOnLimitCycleDetection | If true, Astrogator will stop targeting if a limit cycle is detected. |
TargeterGraphs | Graphs. |