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IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector Interface


Properties for a Differential Corrector profile.

Public Properties

Public Property ClearCorrectionsBeforeRunClear Corrections Before Each Run - if true, the differential corrector is automatically reset each time that it is run, discarding information that was computed the last time it was run.
Public Property ControlParametersGet the list of control parameters defined for the profile.
Public Property ConvergenceCriteriaGets or sets the convergence criteria.
Public Property DerivativeCalcMethodGets or sets the derivative calculation method.
Public Property DrawPerturbationDefines the display of perturbations in the 2D and 3D Graphics windows, if you have set Astrogator to draw while calculating.
Public Property EnableBPlaneNominalIf true, Astrogator will update the display of B-Planes for the nominal run of each iteration during the targeting process.
Public Property EnableBPlanePerturbationsIf true, Astrogator will update the display of B-Planes for both of the perturbations of each iteration during the targeting process.
Public Property EnableDisplayStatusIf true, a page will appear during the targeting run to report the status of the targeting effort in terms of proximity to the desired value for each dependent variable in the profile.
Public Property EnableHomotopyIf true, the profile will divide the problem into steps to solve it.
Public Property EnableLineSearchIf true, the profile will perform a line search.
Public Property HomotopyStepsGets or sets the number of steps to divide a problem into for a homotopic calculation. Dimensionless - .
Public Property LineSearchLowerBoundGets or sets the low boundary for the line search. Dimensionless.
Public Property LineSearchToleranceGets or sets the tolerance for the line search. Dimensionless.
Public Property LineSearchUpperBoundGets or sets the high boundary for the line search. Dimensionless.
Public Property MaxIterationsGets or sets the number of complete iterations of the profile to try before stopping. Dimensionless.
Public Property MaxLineSearchIterationsGets or sets the number of line search iterations to try before stopping. Dimensionless.
Public Property NumIterationsGet the number of iterations of the last run.
Public Property ResultsGet the list of results defined for the profile.
Public Property RootFindingAlgorithmGets or sets the root-finding algorithm to use.
Public Property ScriptingToolReturns the Scripting tool for the sequence.
Public Property StopOnLimitCycleDetectionIf true, Astrogator will stop targeting if a limit cycle is detected.
Public Property TargeterGraphsGraphs.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector


Configure target sequence with Differential Corrector profile
IAgVAMCSTargetSequence startTransfer = driver.MainSequence["Start Transfer"] as IAgVAMCSTargetSequence;

string dcString = "Differential Corrector";

if (Array.IndexOf(startTransfer.Profiles.AvailableProfiles, dcString) != -1)
    IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector dc = startTransfer.Profiles.Add(dcString) as IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector;

    // Configure differential corrector
    dc.ClearCorrectionsBeforeRun = true;
    dc.ConvergenceCriteria = AgEVAConvergenceCriteria.eVAConvervenceCriteriaEitherEqualityConstraintsOrControlParams;
    dc.EnableBPlaneNominal = false;
    dc.EnableBPlanePerturbations = false;
    dc.EnableDisplayStatus = true;
    dc.EnableHomotopy = true;
    dc.HomotopySteps = 2;
    dc.EnableHomotopy = false;
    dc.EnableLineSearch = true;
    dc.LineSearchLowerBound = 0.001;
    dc.LineSearchTolerance = 0.001;
    dc.LineSearchUpperBound = 5.0;
    dc.MaxLineSearchIterations = 5;
    dc.MaxIterations = 20;

    // Apply
Configure target sequence with Differential Corrector profile
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim startTransfer As IAgVAMCSTargetSequence = TryCast(driver.MainSequence("Start Transfer"), IAgVAMCSTargetSequence)

Dim dcString As String = "Differential Corrector"

If Array.IndexOf(startTransfer.Profiles.AvailableProfiles, dcString) <> -1 Then
	Dim dc As IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector = TryCast(startTransfer.Profiles.Add(dcString), IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector)

	' Configure differential corrector
	dc.ClearCorrectionsBeforeRun = True
	dc.ConvergenceCriteria = AgEVAConvergenceCriteria.eVAConvervenceCriteriaEitherEqualityConstraintsOrControlParams
	dc.EnableBPlaneNominal = False
	dc.EnableBPlanePerturbations = False
	dc.EnableDisplayStatus = True
	dc.EnableHomotopy = True
	dc.HomotopySteps = 2
	dc.EnableHomotopy = False
	dc.EnableLineSearch = True
	dc.LineSearchLowerBound = 0.001
	dc.LineSearchTolerance = 0.001
	dc.LineSearchUpperBound = 5
	dc.MaxLineSearchIterations = 5
	dc.MaxIterations = 20

	' Apply
End If
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