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IAgVAProfileLambertProfile Interface


Properties for a Lambert profile.

Public Methods

Public Method SetTargetCoordTypeSelects a target coordinate type.

Public Properties

Public Property CentralBodyCollisionAltitudePaddingGets or sets the minimum altitude below which the Lambert algorithm will consider the spacecraft to have hit the central body.
Public Property CoordSystemNameGets or sets the coordinate system.
Public Property DirectionOfMotionGets or sets the direction of motion (long or short) for the Lambert solution.
Public Property DisableNonLambertPropagateStopConditionsSet this to true to disable all non-LambertDuration stopping conditions in the propagate segment.
Public Property EnableSecondManeuverEnable to calculate second maneuver at destination.
Public Property EnableWriteDurationToPropagateSet this to true to write the Lambert duration of transfer to the 'LambertDuration' stopping condition in the linked propagate segment.
Public Property EnableWriteToFirstManeuverSet this to true to write the Delta-V solution from Lambert at the start of the transfer to the linked maneuver.
Public Property EnableWriteToSecondManeuverSet this to true to write the Delta-V solution from Lambert at the end of the transfer to the linked maneuver.
Public Property FirstManeuverSegmentGets or sets the first maneuver segment to manipulate that occurs at the start of the transfer.
Public Property OrbitalEnergyGets or sets the orbital energy for the Lambert solution.
Public Property PropagateSegmentGets or sets the propagate segment to manipulate that contains the transfer duration.
Public Property RevolutionsGets or sets the number of revolutions. Dimensionless.
Public Property SecondManeuverSegmentGets or sets the second maneuver segment to manipulate that occurs at the end of the transfer.
Public Property SolutionOptionLambert solution calculation type.
Public Property TargetArgumentOfPeriapsisGets or sets the target argument of periapsis for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetCoordTypeGet the target coordinate type.
Public Property TargetEccentricityGets or sets the target eccentricity for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetInclinationGets or sets the target inclination for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetPositionXGets or sets the X component of the target position for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetPositionYGets or sets the Y component of the target position for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetPositionZGets or sets the Z component of the target position for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetRightAscensionOfAscendingNodeGets or sets the target right ascension of the ascending node for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetSemimajorAxisGets or sets the target semimajor axis for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetTrueAnomalyGets or sets the target true anomaly for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetVelocityXGets or sets the X component of the target velocity for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetVelocityYGets or sets the Y component of the target velocity for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TargetVelocityZGets or sets the Z component of the target velocity for the end of the Lambert transfer.
Public Property TimeOfFlightGets or sets the time of flight between departure and arrival for the Lambert solution.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgVAProfileLambertProfile

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