Properties for the Bar-Sever GPS Solar Pressure Model 04ae for block IIR.
AtmosAlt | Gets or sets the atmospheric altitude for eclipse. A simple model to account for some measure of attenuation that simply increases the shape of the Earth by the defined altitude height, often taken to be 23 km. Uses Distance Dimension. |
EclipsingBodies | Other eclipsing bodies. |
IncludeBoundaryMitigation | True if shadow boundary mitigation should be performed; the state of the satellite after crossing a shadow boundary will be corrected for errors that may have been introduced by the sudden change in SRP which occurred during the integration step. If shadowing is turned off, this option is unavailable. |
ShadowModel | Gets or sets the shadow model type. |
SolarRadius | Gets or sets the solar radius value to use in eclipse calculations. Uses Distance Dimension. |
SunPosition | Gets or sets the sun position computation. |
UseSunCbFileValues | True if solar radius should come from the Sun.cb file. |
Implemented Interface |
IAgComponentInfo |
IAgCloneable |