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IAgStkGraphicsPluginProjectionStreamContext Interface


Configure the projection attributes, such as field of view, near plane, far plane, etc.

Public Methods

Public Method GetOrientationGets an orientation of the projection. The value is a one-dimensional array representing a quaternion (X, Y, Z and W).
Public Method GetPositionGets a position of the projection in the central body's fixed reference frame. The value is a one-dimensional array with three elements representing X, Y and Z (in meters).
Public Method GetPositionInSystemGets a position of the projection in the central body's fixed reference frame. The value is a one-dimensional array with three elements representing X, Y and Z (in meters).
Public Method GetPositionInSystemAtEpochGets a position of the projection in the central body's fixed reference frame. The value is a one-dimensional array with three elements representing X, Y and Z (in meters).
Public Method SetOrientationSets a new orientation of the projection. The value is a one-dimensional array representing a quaternion (X, Y, Z and W).
Public Method SetPositionSets a new position of the projection. The position is in the central body's fixed reference frame. The input is a one-dimensional array which contains three elements X, Y and Z that define the new position (in meters).
Public Method SetPositionInSystemSets a new position of the projection. The position is in the central body's fixed reference frame. The input is a one-dimensional array which contains three elements X, Y and Z that define the new position (in meters).
Public Method SetPositionInSystemAtEpochSets a new position of the projection. The position is in the specified reference frame. The input is a one-dimensional array which contains three elements X, Y and Z that define the new position (in meters).

Public Properties

Public Property FarPlaneGets the far plane distance.
Public Property FieldOfViewHorizontalGets the horizontal field of view.
Public Property FieldOfViewVerticalGets the vertical field of view.
Public Property NearPlaneGets the near plane distance.
Public Property UpdateDeltaInSecsGets the update interval in seconds.
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