Clutter map plugin pre-compute.
[Visual Basic .NET] |
Public Function PreCompute() As Boolean |
[C#] |
public bool PreCompute(); |
[Managed C++] |
public: bool PreCompute(); |
[Unmanaged C++] |
public: HRESULT PreCompute( VARIANT_BOOL * pValidPreCompute ); |
[Java] |
public bool preCompute(); |
Returns true if the plugin has performed all precompute initialization properly, false otherwise. If the PreCompute method returns false, STK will disable the plugin and the Compute method will not be called.
When a new clutter map computation is initiated by STK, the PreCompute method is called once before the %Compute:AgStkRadar~IAgStkRadarClutterMapPlugin~Compute% method is called. This is so the plugin can perform any necessary static compute initialization. This method is paired with the %PostCompute:AgStkRadar~IAgStkRadarClutterMapPlugin~PostCompute% method which is called once after all calls to Compute have been completed.