Gets the main lobe clutter velocity.
Read-only property
[Visual Basic .NET] |
Public Property MLCVelocity() As Double |
[C#] |
public double MLCVelocity {get;} |
[Managed C++] |
public: __property double get_MLCVelocity(); |
[Unmanaged C++] |
public: HRESULT get_MLCVelocity( double * pMLCVelocity ); |
[Java] |
public double getMLCVelocity(); |
The main lobe clutter velocity value is the average of the transmit and receive radar main lobe clutter velocity values.
mlcVelocity = (rcvRdrVelocity * cos(rcvRdrConeAngle) + xmtRdrVelocity * cos(xmtConeAngle)) / 2