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IAgStkRadarPosVelProvider Interface


Interface implemented by an object that provides the position and velocity for an STK radar object or radar target object.

Public Methods

Public Method ComputeCentralBodyIntersectComputes the central body intersection.
Public Method ComputeCentralBodyIntersectInCBFComputes the central body intersection using central body fixed coordinates.
Public Method ComputeLocalRadiusCentricComputes the central body radius centric for a given latitude and longitude.
Public Method ComputeLocalRadiusDeticComputes the central body radius detic for a given latitude and longitude.
Public Method ComputeSurfaceNormalCentricComputes the surface normal centric vector for a given latitude and longitude.
Public Method ComputeSurfaceNormalCentricArrayComputes, using the supplied latitude and longitude, the central body centric surface normal vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in meters.
Public Method ComputeSurfaceNormalDeticComputes the surface normal detic vector for a given latitude and longitude.
Public Method ComputeSurfaceNormalDeticArrayComputes, using the supplied latitude and longitude, the central body detic surface normal vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in meters.
Public Method ConvertBodyCartesianToCBFCartesianConverts a vector in body coordinates into CBF fixed coordinates
Public Method ConvertBodyCartesianToCBFCartesianArrayConverts the supplied body fixed vector into the central body fixed coordinate system and returns the vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in meters.
Public Method ConvertCBFCartesianToBodyCartesianConverts a vector in CBF coordinates into body coordinates.
Public Method ConvertCBFCartesianToBodyCartesianArrayConverts the supplied central body fixed vector into the body fixed coordinate system and returns the vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in meters.
Public Method ConvertCBFCartesianToLLAConverts central body fixed cartesian to latitude, longitude, and altitude.
Public Method ConvertCBFCartesianToLLAArrayConverts the supplied central body fixed vector into latitude, longitude, and altitude and returns the values as an array of length 3 where the latitude is array(0), longitude is array(1), and altitude is array(2). All values in radians.
Public Method ConvertCBFCartesianToVVLHCartesianConverts a vector in central body fixed coordinates into Vehicle Vertical Local Horizontal (VVLH) coordinates. The Z axis is inward along the radial, the Y axis is in the direction of the cross product of the velocity as measured in the central body inertial frame and the position and Y axis is in the direction of motion and constructed as Y x Z.
Public Method ConvertCBFCartesianToVVLHCartesianArrayConverts the supplied central body fixed vector into Vehicle Vertical Local Horizontal (VVLH) coordinates. The Z axis is inward along the radial, the Y axis is in the direction of the cross product of the velocity as measured in the central body inertial frame and the position and Y axis is in the direction of motion and constructed as Y x Z. The vector is returned as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in meters.
Public Method ConvertLLAToCBFCartesianConverts latitude, longitude, and altitude to central body fixed cartesian.
Public Method ConvertLLAToCBFCartesianArrayConverts the supplied latitude, longitude, and altitude into the body fixed coordinate system and returns the vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in meters.
Public Method GetPositionCBFGets position in the central body fixed frame.
Public Method GetPositionLLAGets position in latitude, longitude, and altitude.
Public Method GetSurfaceNormalCentricGets the surface normal centric vector for the current latitude and longitude.
Public Method GetSurfaceNormalDeticGets the surface normal detic vector for the current latitude and longitude.
Public Method GetTerrainHeightGets the terrain height for the current latitude and longitude.
Public Method GetTerrainHeightForLatLonGets the terrain height for a specified latitude and longitude.
Public Method GetVelocityCBFGets velocity in the central body fixed frame.

Public Properties

Public Property CurrentTimeGets the current time in EpSec.
Public Property LocalRadiusCentricGets the central body radius centric using the position/velocity provider's current latitude and longitude.
Public Property LocalRadiusDeticGets the central body radius detic using the position/velocity provider's current latitude and longitude.
Public Property PositionCBFArrayGets the central body fixed relative position vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in meters.
Public Property PositionLLAArrayGets the latitude, longitude, and altitude as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in meters.
Public Property RoleGets the IAgStkRadarPosVelProvider role.
Public Property SurfaceNormalCentricArrayGets the central body centric surface normal vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). The surface normal is computed for the current latitude and longitude. All values in meters.
Public Property SurfaceNormalDeticArrayGets the central body detic surface normal vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). The surface normal is computed for the current latitude and longitude. All values in meters.
Public Property VelocityCBFArrayGets the central body fixed velocity vector as an array of length 3 where the x component is array(0), y component is array(1), and z component is array(2). All values in m/s.


Provides the position and velocity for a radar object or a radar target object, as well as helper methods for coordinate system conversions using the objects central body.

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkRadarPosVelProvider

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