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GetServiceByName Method (IAgUiWindow)
See Also

Windows & Linux


Returns a service object that can be accessed at runtime. The method returns null if no service object is associated with the specified symbolic name.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function GetServiceByName( _
    ByVal Name As String _
) As Object
public Object GetServiceByName(
    string Name
[Managed C++]
public: IUnknown^ GetServiceByName(
    String __gc ^ Name
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT GetServiceByName(
    BSTR Name,
    IUnknown ** ppRetVal
public Object getServiceByName(
    String Name
[Python - STK API ]
def GetServiceByName(self, Name:str) -> "IUnknown":



See Also


Enumerate all 3D (Globe) windows by name and print their scene identifiers.
foreach (IAgUiWindow window in application.Windows)
    object oSvc = window.GetServiceByName("Globe");
    IAgUiWindowGlobeObject globeObject = oSvc as IAgUiWindowGlobeObject;
    if (globeObject != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Window Title: {0}, scene ID: {1}", window.Caption, globeObject.SceneID);
Enumerate all 2D (Map) windows by name and print their map identifiers.
foreach (IAgUiWindow window in application.Windows)
    object oSvc = window.GetServiceByName("Map");
    IAgUiWindowMapObject mapObject = oSvc as IAgUiWindowMapObject;
    if (mapObject != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Window Title: {0}, scene ID: {1}", window.Caption, mapObject.MapID);
Enumerate all 3D (Globe) windows by name and print their scene identifiers.
[Visual Basic .NET]
For Each window As IAgUiWindow In application.Windows
	Dim oSvc As Object = window.GetServiceByName("Globe")
	Dim globeObject As IAgUiWindowGlobeObject = TryCast(oSvc, IAgUiWindowGlobeObject)
	If globeObject IsNot Nothing Then
		Console.WriteLine("Window Title: {0}, scene ID: {1}", window.Caption, globeObject.SceneID)
	End If
Enumerate all 2D (Map) windows by name and print their map identifiers.
[Visual Basic .NET]
For Each window As IAgUiWindow In application.Windows
	Dim oSvc As Object = window.GetServiceByName("Map")
	Dim mapObject As IAgUiWindowMapObject = TryCast(oSvc, IAgUiWindowMapObject)
	If mapObject IsNot Nothing Then
		Console.WriteLine("Window Title: {0}, scene ID: {1}", window.Caption, mapObject.MapID)
	End If
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