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AgESnLocation Enumeration
See Also

Windows & Linux


Sensor Location Type options.


eSnFixed0x0Fixed: the location of the sensor is defined using a fixed displacement vector with respect to the parent objects body frame.
eSn3DModel0x13D Model: the location of the sensor is defined using the sensor's 3D Graphics Vertex Offset properties.
eSn3DModelWithScale0x23D Model with Scale: the location of the sensor is defined using the sensor's 3D Graphics Vertex Offset properties. Location is computed using the scaled model defined for visualization.
eSnCenter0x3Center: the sensor is located at the center of its parent object.
eSnLocationCrdnPoint0x4Point: the sensor's location is based upon a Vector Geometry Tool point.


Define fixed location
// Set sensor's location to fixed

// Configure sensor location
IAgPosition pos = sensor.LocationData as IAgPosition;
pos.AssignCartesian(595.20, -110.12, 4.6);
Define fixed location
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Set sensor's location to fixed

' Configure sensor location
Dim pos As IAgPosition = TryCast(sensor.LocationData, IAgPosition)
pos.AssignCartesian(595.2, -110.12, 4.6)
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