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AgEStkExternalEphemerisFormat Enumeration
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Ephemeris file formats supported by the Stk external propagator.


eStkExternalEphemerisFormatUnknown-1Unsupported ephemeris format.
eStkExternalEphemerisFormatSTK0ASCII text file formatted for compatibility with STK that ends with '.e' extension.
eStkExternalEphemerisFormatCCSDS1CCSDS orbit ephemeris file format that ends with '.oem' extension.
eStkExternalEphemerisFormatITC2Defines a file format that ends with '.itc' extension. The file type is utilized by some Air Force entities and requires USGOV license.
eStkExternalEphemerisFormatSTKBinary3STK Binary ephemeris file format that ends with '.be' extension.
eStkExternalEphemerisFormatCode5004Code500 ephemeris file format that ends with '.EPH' extension.
eStkExternalEphemerisFormatCCSDSv25CCSDS v2 orbit ephemeris file format that ends with '.oem' extension.
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