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IAgAntennaNoiseTemperature Interface


Provides access to the antenna noise temperature parameters.

Public Properties

Public Property ComputeTypeGets or sets the system noise temperature compute type.
Public Property ConstantNoiseTemperatureGets or sets the constant system noise temperature value.
Public Property ExternalNoiseFileGets or sets the external noise file path.
Public Property InheritScenarioEarthTemperatureGets or sets the flag to inherit the scenairo earth temperature.
Public Property LocalEarthTemperatureGets or sets the local earth temperature.
Public Property OtherNoiseTemperatureGets or sets additional misc. noise temperature.
Public Property UseAtmosphereGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the atmosphere.
Public Property UseCloudsFogGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the clouds and fog.
Public Property UseCosmicBackgroundGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the cosmic background.
Public Property UseEarthGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the earth.
Public Property UseExternalGets or sets the flag to use noise due to an external source.
Public Property UseIonoFadingGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the ionospheric fading.
Public Property UseRainGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the rain.
Public Property UseSunGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the sun.
Public Property UseTropoScintGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the tropospheric scintillation.
Public Property UseUrbanTerrestrialGets or sets the flag to use noise due to the urban/terrestrial.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAntennaNoiseTemperature

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