IAgAntennaVolumeGraphics Interface for a antenna's 3D volume properties.
SetNumPoints | Sets the azimuth/elevation ranges and number of points. |
SetResolution | Sets the azimuth/elevation ranges and resolution. |
AzimuthNumPoints | Gets the number of azimuth points. |
AzimuthResolution | Gets the azimuth resolution. |
AzimuthStart | Gets the azimuth start value. |
AzimuthStop | Gets the azimuth stop value. |
ColorMethod | Color method for volume levels (color ramp or explicit). |
CoordinateSystem | Gets or sets the coordinate system for defining the resolution of the antenna graphics. |
ElevationNumPoints | Gets the number of elevation points. |
ElevationResolution | Gets the elevation resolution. |
ElevationStart | Gets the elevation start value. |
ElevationStop | Gets the elevation stop value. |
GainOffset | This property is deprecated. Use the MinimumDisplayedGain property instead. Gets or sets the gain offset value. |
GainScale | Gets or sets the gain scale value. |
Levels | Gets the collection of volume levels. |
MinimumDisplayedGain | Gets or sets the minimum displayed gain value. |
RelativeToMaximum | Gets or sets the contours value represents the gain value relative to the maximum. |
Show | Opt whether to display volume graphics for the antenna. |
StartColor | Gets or sets the color ramp start color. |
StopColor | Gets or sets the color ramp stop color. |
Wireframe | Enables the ability to view the volume as a wireframe. |