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IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelTirem Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods of the TIREM atmospheric absorption model.

Public Properties

Public Property OverrideTerrainSampleResolutionGets or sets the option for overriding available terrain sample resolution.
Public Property PolarizationTypeGets or sets the polarization type
Public Property RelativePermittivityGets or sets the relative permittivity.
Public Property SurfaceConductivityGets or sets the surface conductivity.
Public Property SurfaceHumidityGets or sets the surface humidity.
Public Property SurfaceRefractivityGets or sets the surface refractivity.
Public Property SurfaceTemperatureGets or sets the surface temperature.
Public Property TerrainSampleResolutionGets or sets the terrain sample resolution.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelTirem

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