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IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelVoacap Interface


Provides access to the properties and methods of the VOACAP atmospheric absorption model.

Public Properties

Public Property CoefficientDataTypeGets or sets the coefficient data type
Public Property ComputeAlternateFrequenciesGets or sets the indicator to compute alternate frequencies
Public Property MultipathDelayToleranceGets or sets the multipath delay tolerance.
Public Property MultipathPowerToleranceGets or sets the multipath power tolerance.
Public Property SolarActivityConfigurationGets or sets the solar activity configuration
Public Property SolarActivityConfigurationTypeGets or sets the solar activity configuration enumeration
Public Property SunspotNumberThis property is deprecated. The Sunspot Number Solar Activity Configuration should be used instead.
Public Property UseDayOfMonthAverageGets or sets the indicator to use day of month average


CoClasses that Implement IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelVoacap

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