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IAgClassicalSizeShapeRadius Interface


Interface for specifying orbit size and shape using Radius.

Public Methods

Public Method SetSizeShapeRadiusMethod to set both the Apogee Radius and the Perigee Radius. Displays an error message if the value for PerigeeRadius exceeds that for ApogeeRadius. ApogeeRadius/PerigeeRadius use Distance Dimension.

Public Properties

Public Property ApogeeRadiusMeasured from the center of the Earth to the point of maximum radius in the orbit. You can set it together with PerigeeRadius using the SetSizeShapeRadius(ApogeeRadius, PerigeeRadius) method. Uses Distance Dimension.
Public Property PerigeeRadiusMeasured from the center of the Earth to the point of minimum radius in the orbit. You can set it together with ApogeeRadius using the SetSizeShapeRadius(ApogeeRadius, PerigeeRadius) method. Uses Distance Dimension.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgClassicalSizeShapeRadius

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